The Government will not cover Laura Borràs in her trial either

by time news

Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 2:50 p.m.

Laura Borràs is left alone and will only have the support of her family, next Friday, at the start of the trial for which she is accused of prevarication and documentary falsification. ERC and the CUP announced yesterday that they will not cover the former president of Parliament before the courthouse in Barcelona, ​​and this Tuesday it was the Government who announced that it does not plan to accompany the leader of Junts. The general secretary of Junts, Jordi Turull, called on the juntera militancy days ago to gather before the TSJC to support its president in the face of what those of Puigdemont consider a political trial, “a new episode of persecution of independence through the repression of their leaders. Junts has organized buses among its militants to protest against a trial that it describes as political, but it will not be able to count on the rest of the nationalist forces.

ERC and the CUP, on the other hand, believe that their case has nothing to do with repression and that it is a criminal case where administrative malpractice and alleged corruption are judged. “We will not go to trial,” said the government spokesperson, Patrícia Plaja, on Tuesday after the weekly meeting of the executive council of the Generalitat. No member of the Catalan Government will support the president of Junts. The Government has assured that she respects her presumption of innocence and that she expects her to have a fair trial. Laura Borràs has charged this Tuesday on TV3 against all those who, from the independence movement, are playing along with the judicial war of the Spanish State. Borràs has indicated that she has always been with the “retaliated” regardless of her political formation. The Juntera leader believes that it is “coherent” that the ERC and the CUP do not come to support her because they have already acted as judges to condemn her. In the same way that they ignored her presumption of innocence to remove her from the presidency of the Parliament, as the juntera leader has reproached.

The nationalist leader faces six years in prison. According to the Prosecutor’s Office, during her time as director of the institution of Catalan letters, she divided contracts to favor a friend of hers. In the trial that begins on Friday until March 1, three defendants will sit on the bench: Laura Borràs, Isaías Herrero and Andreu Pujol.

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