the government will not reconsider the postponement of the legal retirement age to 64

by time news

He closed the door to a government rollback on raising the legal retirement age to 64. The Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, affirmed, Monday, January 23, that “to return to this point would be to give up the return to equilibrium of the system”.

“The Age Measurements We Take”the raising of the legal age (64 years in 2030) and the acceleration of the extension of the contribution period (forty-three years from 2027) “help bring the system back to equilibrium in 2030” ; these measures are “absolutely basic”argued Mr. Dussopt during the report to the press of the Council of Ministers.

“Returning to this point would be to renounce the return to balance and therefore lack responsibility for future generations”he added, while acknowledging that the government has “a disagreement with the trade unions”headwind against any measure relating to the legal age.

Read also: Calculate your retirement age before and after the reform

Introduce “more justice”

The draft amending budget for Social Security in which the pension reform is included, presented to the Council of Ministers on Monday, carries “18 billion euros in savings by 2030”said Mr. Dussopt.

According to the government, these savings are supposed to balance the system and introduce “more justice”with in particular a minimum pension raised to 1,200 euros gross for a full career, which should concern 1.8 million current pensioners and around 200,000 new pensioners each year.

Consideration of long careers, improvement of the professional prevention account (for arduous work), index on the employment of seniors accompanied by a financial penalty in the event of non-publication for companies with more than three hundred employees, abolition of special regimes… The Minister of Labor and his colleague from the civil service, Stanislas Guerini, outlined the fundamental points of the bill.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Pension reform: the government highlights the effects of “justice” and “progress”

No “slippage” in pension spending, according to the COR

During the national demonstration against the pension reform, in Rennes, on January 19.

Asked about the possibility of the text being modified during the parliamentary debate, Mr. Dussopt replied:

“Each time an amendment allows us to improve the text without renouncing the return to balance in 2030, nor the fundamentals of the reform, obviously we will be open to it. »

For his part, the president of the Pensions Orientation Council (COR), Pierre-Louis Bras, gave another story concerning the balance of the system, during a hearing at the National Assembly, Thursday, January 19 . According to him, “the expenses do not slip (…). Retirement expenditure is generally stabilized and, even in the very long term, it decreases in three out of four hypotheses”, explained Mr. Bras, drawing on the COR’s latest annual report, which projects four economic scenarios.

Still according to him, “in a single hypothesis, we return to equilibrium in 2045; in the hypothesis which serves as a reference within the framework of the reform, the deficit will last until 2070”. And to conclude: ” The government (…) made a choice. »

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Pensions: the delicate mission of the ministers sent “to meet the French” to defend the reform

The World with AFP

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