The governor of the Smolensk region recommended the head of the Kardymovsky district to intensify work

by time news

During a working meeting with the head of the Kardymovsky district, Pavel Nikitenkov, Governor Alexei Ostrovsky directly recommended that he intensify work in some areas that are currently in a neglected state.

It is necessary to strengthen control over maintaining the achieved ratio between the level of remuneration of certain categories of employees in the public sector and the level of average wages in the region, including teachers.

It is necessary to interrupt the negative dynamics of agricultural production in the region, its financial indicators. The revenue of agricultural enterprises last year decreased by 25%. The salary in agricultural enterprises of the Kardymovsky district is the lowest in the region. Farmers cannot take advantage of all the state support measures to which they are entitled. In addition, work on introducing land into agricultural circulation is underway, but not actively enough. In two years, only 14% of the arable land suitable for involvement in circulation has been introduced.

Kardymovsky district in 2021 did not participate in the program for the integrated development of rural areas. There were also no applications for participation in 2022.

As part of the implementation of the national project “Formation of a comfortable urban environment”, the Kardymovsky district planned the repair of the public territory “Square of Memory”. The contracts were supposed to be signed as early as November 2021, but this has not yet been done.

Summing up the meeting, Aleksey Ostrovsky strongly recommended the head of the Kardymovsky district to intensify work in the designated areas.

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