The Grand Cross of Health for the Cross of Pharmacy

by time news

Jesus Aguilar Santamaria*



Two years after the pandemic and coinciding with the celebration of the World Health Dayall pharmacists have received the Grand Cross of Healththe highest decoration awarded by the Government to health professionals.

A recognition that does justice to the professional work, dedication and sacrifice of all Spanish pharmacists. An absolute dedication to the citizens that in the case of the Community Pharmacy It has had a tragic cost in human lives, with 27 deaths. This Great Cross is also theirs and their families.

Because in each and every one of the critical places in the management of this pandemic there has been a pharmacist, providing knowledge and a vocation for service.

Whether in the smallest town or in the most advanced laboratory. In the Industrya, investigating therapeutic alternatives; in the hospitals, participating in trials; in the Clinical Laboratoriescontributing to a more precise diagnosis, or in the Distribution, guaranteeing quality and continuity in pharmaceutical provision. Also in the Public healthin continuous vigilance of the hygienic-sanitary conditions and in the Primary Care, assuming an important role in the distribution of vaccines. And, of course, in the Community Pharmacies, with tireless work supporting the population as a whole and always ensuring their medication.

This decoration, which has also been awarded to doctors and nurses, the three professions that constitute the hard core of our National system of healthjoins other recognitions such as the Princess of Asturias Award for Concord received in 2020. But, above all, it constitutes a new stimulus to continue giving, as yesterday, today and always, the best of ourselves in favor of health and the welfare of all citizens.

An attitude endorsed by our willingness to collaborate, proposals and initiatives to overcome the challenges facing our healthcare and society as a whole.

I mean the need to harness the full potential of the pharmacy profession in care and public health matters; to guarantee patient safety and their access to medicines in the digital ecosystem; or to face phenomena such as the demographic challenge, aging or chronicity.

Since the beginning of the health emergency caused by the Covid-19 It has been shown that having the Pharmacy is a guarantee of success, it is adding more value to our patients, and it is expanding the assistance and epidemiological capacity of our Health.

Let’s learn the lesson. When we look to the future and talk about health, let us all keep in mind, especially politicians and health authorities, that more pharmacy is synonymous with better health and more service to the patient.

Hence, counting even more on Pharmacy is the best recognition that can be given to this profession. In fact, renewing and strengthening our commitment to the health and well-being of the 47 million Spaniards is our way of thanking this Great Cross of Health that recognizes another great cross that never goes out: that of Pharmacy.

Jesús Aguilar Santamaría is president of the General Council of Pharmaceutical Associations.

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