The great exodus towards the green between pandemic and war. The Ecological Transition, told by those who make it

by time news

Is the green breakthrough already in the attic due to the energy crisis? How will it be possible to respect the ban on petrol and diesel cars from 2035? The times and ways of the Ecological Transition are uncertain. Of the 221 billion of the Recovery Plan, around 60 billion are for the great exodus towards the green. Resources for the circular economy, waste management, energy efficiency, water infrastructure and hydrogen. How can citizens and businesses submit projects, studies, experiences? Will the new life have positive balances in both health and wallet? On the one hand, there is an awareness of supporting the weight of the sacrifices for benefits that will be enjoyed by others, by the generations to come and, on the other hand, that the climate changes we are experiencing are irreversible. Will the states be able to achieve full decarbonisation by combining economic growth and environmental protection?

The answers are contained in the book, edited by Maurizio Guandalini, published by ISTUD Business School, 22.88 euros, pp.270. purchasable only on Amazon, a structured anthology, unique in the Italian publishing panorama of experiences and hopes without the presumption of giving an answer, only that or it is not, of the ecological transition that is, and that will be. The method adopted was to directly involve those who do it, those who have been doing it for some time and have the tools of the trade to understand where it will go. They wrote a qualified pool of number one from some companies, among the most prestigious, professionals, university professors, technicians, all of them on the front line, who explained, with extreme simplicity, the ecological transition they would like. Various topics covered. From how to promote the ecological transition on a local scale to the costs and opportunities for citizens, who pays and how, the obstacles of bureaucracy, the circular economy, how to combine digital transition and sustainability, energy social company projects, the role of finance, sustainable steel, from natural gas to hydrogen, integrated sustainability and zero emissions.

The Italian version of the ‘green’ phenomenon is a faithful indicator of successes and inconsistencies. First the pandemic then, above all, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has redesigned the ambitions of the ecological transition in our homeland. For the book ‘La Transizione Ecologica’ (which also contains analyzes and studies resulting from an international event of ISTUD Business School in which was media partner) wrote: Bonato (Erion – Alliance for Ecological Transition), Peroni Rödl & Partner) , Jachia (Cariplo Foundation), Farinet (Socialing Institute), Stefani (Dolomiti Energia), Piana (University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland), Marangoni and Marghella (Althesys Strategic Consultants), Ganapini (European Environment Agency), Ricci ( Eni), Sghedoni (Kerakoll), Silva (Generali), Valtolina (Gruppo SOL), Golinelli (ABB), Braghin (INFINIT(Y)HUB), Randazzo (Banca Mediolanum), Grossi and Leozappa (Etica Sgr), Marini (Gruppo Cesi), Marcegaglia (Marcegaglia Group), Dossi (Sapio Group), Musi (Landi Renzo Group), Bani, Pozzani, Pellegrini (TEON), Donini (E.ON), Chianetta -Luise – Monaco (Greening the Islands), Cavallo (HEATHER).

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