The “Harvest Green” measure for vineyards will be applied hastily and late

by time news

2023-06-30 09:21:38

The costs of destroying the grapes are fixed at BGN 1155.48/ha

In the draft Ordinance amending and supplementing Ordinance No. 6 of 2018 on the terms and conditions for providing financial assistance under the National Program to Support the Viticulture Sector for the period 2019-2023. recorded that in 2023 it will be possible to apply the measure “Harvest in the green” for the wine vineyards.

The executive director of the DFZ must approve the sample application documents for the measure and determine its budget. This must happen no later than two days after the regulation enters into force. The project will be discussed until July 13, after which the changes will be made public.

The promulgation will have to happen quickly considering that the draft regulation states that by July 20, farmers must submit applications for participation in the measure to the Executive Agency for Vine and Wine. (In previous years, the deadline was April 10 – yr.)

The executive director of the agency issues an order approving the submitted applications for participation and issues certificates for the right to participate under the measure or makes a reasoned refusal of some of the applications by July 26.

The deadline for winegrowers to submit applications to the DFZ Central Committee for financial support under the measure is July 27-31, 2023.

The operations for manual removal of the bunches are until September 1, 2023.

The maximum amount of financial assistance under the measure is up to 60 percent of the sum of the direct costs for the operations to remove the bunches and the loss of income resulting from the application of the measure.

It is allowed to apply the measure for individual plots of land in the farm.

The direct costs for the operations to remove the bunches are reimbursed on the basis of a fixed price of BGN 1155.48/ha, the draft regulation says.

For areas applied for support in 2023, supported under the measure in 2021 and/or 2022, the average yield is calculated for 2018 and 2019.

The deadline for concluding a contract for the provision of financial support under the “Harvest in the Green” measure is until August 20, 2023, as it was July 20 until now.

#Harvest #Green #measure #vineyards #applied #hastily #late

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