The Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve: Activating Your Inner Therapist with Exercises for Full Potential

by time news

2023-06-26 10:51:21

The cranial nerve, Nervus Vagus, has one in a way healing effect on our body. How he acts as a kind of inner therapist and which exercises help to activate him for his full potential.

Vagus nerve as the interface between the brain and organs

The vagus nerve (nervus vagus, short: vagus) is one of our twelve Brain nerves. It is the longest of the cranial nerves and is part of the Parasympathetic, involved in the functioning of the internal organs, known as the so-called resting or resting nerve. The vagus nerve is for Recovery, regeneration, but also responsible for digestion.

Like the parasympathetic nervous system, sympathetic Part of the involuntary (vegetative) nervous system, but ensures increased performance and is activated in emergency and stressful situations.

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The resting nerve, which runs as the tenth cranial nerve from the brainstem in the head via the neck and chest into the abdomen, can be used as a Switching point between the brain and the organs be seen. It has a balancing effect on various bodily functions and thus influences our well-being.

On its way through the body, the vagus nerve often branches and also runs to the heart, liver, spleen, kidneys as well digestive organs.

Research & Medicine

The US psychiatrist and neuroscientist Prof. Stephen Porges showed in his research that the vagus nerve plays a major role in our health and social life. In 1994 he presented his Polyvagal theory which shows the importance of the vagus nerve in regulating emotions, among other things.

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Medicine already uses the activation of the vagus nerve in a targeted manner, for example in Depressions. With the help of electrodes, the nerve is activated by electricity and is intended to improve the motivation and mood of the patients.

Which complaints can I counteract with vagus nerve exercises?

The power of the resting nerve has been underestimated for a long time. If you stimulate it properly, it helps us Promote relaxation and reduce stress. Already small exercises (e.g. a simple deep breath) can have a big impact, such as:

Breathing changes from chest to abdominal breathing Blood pressure and heart rate decrease Chronic pain can decrease The immune system is stimulated Muscle tension decreases Digestion is stimulated

5 Vagus Nerve Exercises to Activate & Reduce Stress


raise eyebrows: Raise your eyebrows while also moving your ears. This exercise activates the seventh cranial nerve, which also affects the vagus nerve


Gargle: Grab a glass of water and start gargling! This stimulates the larynx and pharyngeal muscles and thus also the vagus nerve.


To take a cold shower: For example, let cold water run over your body when you take a shower in the morning. The cold stimuli dampen the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system (including the vagus nerve) is activated.


Turn head: Slowly turn your head to the left and fix your eyes on a nearby object. Then slowly turn your head to the right and also focus on a nearby object. Repeat this exercise several times.


To sing: Sing one of your favorite songs, preferably with vowels like A, O and U. The vibrational singing activates the branches of the vagus nerve in the throat.

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