the health benefits of this plant beyond taking care of our skin

by time news

Accustomed to being part of our day to day, through all kinds of creams and cosmeticsfew are the people who know, however, all the health benefits that can be extracted from the aloe vera. Different studies and theses, such as that of Dr. Tatiana Yebra for the University of Alcalá de Henares, entitled ‘Evaluation of the functionality of aloe vera extract in in vitro cell cultures’, have confirmed its antioxidant, rejuvenating, anti-aging and whitening properties for the skin, but its advantages go much further.

The juice of this plant presents a series of properties that also help other parts of our body, in addition to the skin, depending on how it is consumed. Although the most common way to find it on the market is as part of the composition of topical products, there are also other alternatives such as infusions, pills and even injectables depending on what is to be treated.

Aloe Vera, key to skin care

Aloe vera has been a part of folk medicine for more than 4,000 years. Currently, as indicated in an article by Medical and Surgical Canary Islands“is processed industrially, almost immediately after the harvest stage, to avoid oxidation of the juice of the leaves and its corresponding loss of active ingredients”. These are key, precisely, for its effect on skin problems.

  • It acts as an anti-inflammatory and tissue regenerator.
  • It is a natural antiseptic, which can be used on open wounds and burns. According to the National Association of Aloe Entrepreneurs, “it promotes healing, relieves pain, and absorbs exudate.”
  • Contributes to wound healing thanks to its nutrients.
  • Cleans the pores thanks to its saponin content.
  • Improves circulation after its application.
  • Helps prevent aging and allows for a smoother face due to its high collagen and elastin content.

Properties of aloe vera infusions

The benefits of this plant are innumerable, which is why it was considered miraculous in many cultures.
The benefits of this plant are innumerable, which is why it was considered miraculous in many cultures.

Aloe vera can also be drunk, through infusions and other mixtures. In this sense, it is a quality ally before digestive problems. If you suffer from gas, burning or swelling, the infusion of aloe vera helps to normalize the digestive process. In addition, it contributes to purifying and cleaning the body, it contains vitamins A, B, C and E, as well as minerals such as magnesium, zinc, calcium, sodium, potassium or iron; lowers cholesterol; prevents constipation and helps lose weight.

Aloe Vera: benefits of pills and tablets

If you choose to take full advantage of the benefits of aloe vera through tablets or pills, it must be taken into account that these are of 100% natural origin, as well as from a trusted manufacturer. These have nutritional and toning properties with which we can strengthen our body in different ways.

On the one handthanks to its biostimulatory effect, It is capable of promoting its cleansing and antiseptic action from the inside, as well as promoting tissue regeneration. On the other, its antioxidant power favors the elimination of famous free radicals. In addition, it helps regulate blood sugar levels strengthen the immune system.

Mother checking the temperature of her sick daughter

Aloe vera can also be injected

Less known is the way to apply aloe vera by injections. “Subcutaneous injections of biostimulated aloe can – and have succeeded – in stopping multiple sclerosis for many years and in some cases even curing it, as long as it has been diagnosed in time,” they say in the article. Therapeutic applications of Aloe Vera. It is also effective when injected to treat other pathologies such as arthritis and different experimental tests have been carried out to demonstrate its effect on bone healing of certain fractures.

Diseases that Aloe can treat

In Medical and Surgical Canary Islands explain some of the many diseases in which aloe vera can be highly effective. These are, among others: alopecia, tonsillitis, cardiac arrhythmia, asthma, cancer, cataracts, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, halitosis, hypertension and hypotension, mastitis, rhinitis, salmonellosis…


Ruiz Caubin, AF; Ruiz Caballero, JA; Brito Ojeda, E. Mª.; Navarro Garcia, R. (2014). Therapeutic applications of Aloe Vera. Medical and Surgical Canary Islands. Viewed at on February 27, 2023.

Calderón-Oliver, M., Quiñones Peña, M., & Pedraza-Chaverri, J. (2011). Beneficial effects of Aloe on health. VERTIENTES, Specialized Magazine in Health Sciences. Accessed at on February 27, 2023.

González-Quevedo Rodríguez, Mario, Sotolongo Baró, María del C, & Batista Veranes, Mirta. (2002). Injectable Aloe barbadensis extract in experimental fractures. Cuban Magazine of Medicinal Plants, 7(1), 14-18. Consulted at on February 27, 2023.

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1 comment

zidane March 1, 2023 - 2:30 am

thank you for the article


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