The healthcare sector and pharmaceutical industries are among the most important drivers of the Jordanian economy – Watan News

by time news

Summary of the Text:

The text discusses ​a consultation‌ session held by the Jordanian Minister of Investment, Kholoud ‍Al-Saqqaf, ‌to discuss​ investment opportunities in the healthcare sector, pharmaceutical industries, and medical ​devices.

Key Points:

The session aimed to⁢ exchange ideas and experiences to improve ⁤the investment environment and create‌ new opportunities‌ in these sectors.
The ‍Jordanian pharmaceutical industry is considered one of the most important in the region.
The healthcare sector in Jordan is ranked best in the region and ‍is seen ‍as a⁢ key driver of economic growth.
The session reviewed the benefits and exemptions provided by the Investment Environment Law⁣ for the healthcare and ⁢pharmaceutical sectors.

Relevant Information:

Medicines and pharmaceuticals:
⁢ – The text provides a general overview⁢ of medicines⁣ and pharmaceuticals, citing sources such as the European Commission and Britannica.
Jordanian economy:
– The ⁣text highlights the importance of the healthcare ‍and pharmaceutical ‍sectors to the Jordanian ‌economy.
* ‌ Investment opportunities:
‍ ‌ – The text suggests that there are significant​ investment opportunities in the healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors in Jordan.


The​ consultation ⁣session emphasizes the potential‌ for further​ investment in the‍ healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors in Jordan, which are seen as crucial drivers of ⁤economic⁢ growth.

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