“The Healthiest Way to Enjoy Eggs: Soft-Boiled with Retained Nutrients”

by time news

2023-05-19 12:38:00

For a long time, eggs were suspected of raising cholesterol levels, which in turn are considered a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. This statement is now considered outdated. Because the body is able to regulate its own cholesterol level. In addition, eggs also contain unsaturated fatty acids, which in turn have a positive effect on your blood lipid levels. And: The cholesterol level depends very much on the rest of the diet – and not just on the consumption of eggs.

Eggs: which preparation is the healthiest?

Whether fried as a fried or scrambled egg, soft or hard-boiled – the egg can be enjoyed in many ways. But which form of preparation is actually the healthiest? The answer to this question is: a soft-boiled egg!

When eggs are heated, they lose important nutrients. The longer the egg is heated, the more it loses minerals and vitamins. This is why soft-boiled eggs contain more nutrients than hard-boiled ones. The yolk, which contains a particularly large number of nutrients, remains intact and so a large number of nutrients are retained.

In terms of calorie content, the boiled egg is also ahead here: since it is prepared without fat, in contrast to fried and scrambled eggs, it has fewer calories. The breakfast egg also does without greasy bacon, which is often served with scrambled and fried eggs.

However, there is also one point of criticism: The risk of salmonella is somewhat higher with boiled eggs, since temperatures of more than 70 °C for at least seven minutes are necessary to kill the salmonella. Therefore, clean dirty shells well beforehand, store the eggs in a cool place and eat them as fresh as possible in order to protect yourself as best as possible from salmonella.

#eggs #healthiest

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