The hero of all of us: from a photo project around the world to an unforgettable exhibition

by time news

When Ran returned from the Second Lebanon War, his brother David Kassman noticed that something had changed in him – his look was sad and his eyes were closed. David was at the peak of his photography career at the time, and suggested that his brother embark on a joint photography project where he would be photographed in the costume of Spider-Man, the worldwide superhero. David’s successful photographs later became exhibitions around the world, were presented at Art Basel in Miami and sold for tens of thousands of dollars, as well as helping his brother in the healing process.

Recently, the photographs took on a technological aspect when an entire exhibition was set up in Metaverse that presents David’s photographs, and even allows visitors to the exhibition to create a virtual character for themselves. Anyone with access to the internet space can enter the virtual gallery in Metaverse, wander among the impressive works and also purchase.

Spider-Man in Cairo (Photo: David Kassman)

David Kassman says: “At that time, I felt the sadness that Ran was trying to suppress and hide, and I realized that his war was not over. The idea came to me to dress the superhero on my brother, who in my eyes is a hero. That’s how we started filming in all kinds of locations in Israel and abroad with the costume, and then show the photos. There was a crazy buzz about the exhibitions, and today anyone can come to the exhibition.”

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