The heroic story of Col. Assaf Hammi and the dramatic events that unfolded on the Gaza border

by time news

The Heroic Battle of Col. Assaf Hammi: A Family’s Story of Courage and Sacrifice

The family of Col. Assaf Hammi, the commander of the southern division in the Gaza Division, recently spoke out about their experiences, shedding light on the incredible bravery and sacrifice that took place. Until now, they were not able to discuss the details of Assaf’s extraordinary story due to his rank and the sensitive nature of his mission.

Assaf’s mother, Clara Hammi, describes the pain of not being able to speak about her son, saying “It tore us apart.” The family faced strict orders not to discuss Assaf’s role and experiences, leaving them silenced after his tragic fall.

Assaf, who fulfilled his dream of becoming the commander of the Southern Brigade in the Gaza Division, was known for his dedication and bravery. His wife, Sapir Zohav Hammi, recalls their life together, saying, “The deal was that he does everything for the country – and everything else is on me.”

As the months leading up to the attack unfolded, Assaf and his fellow officers, including Lt. Col. Alon Peled, faced the increasing threat from Hamas. They knew the dangers they were up against and prepared themselves for the inevitable conflict.

The night before the fateful attack, Assaf spent time with his son at the base, where he drew strength from his family before embarking on the dangerous mission. “I saw Assaf’s face like I haven’t seen him in a long time – calm and happy, radiant,” recalls Sapir.

The following morning, as the situation escalated, Assaf and his fellow fighters bravely fought against dozens of Hamas terrorists in Kibbutz Nirim on the border of the Gaza Strip. During this intense battle, Assaf was tragically wounded, and his body, along with those of his two soldiers, was taken to Gaza.

Despite the heartbreak and tragedy, Assaf’s family finds solace in the knowledge that he was fighting alongside brave soldiers who tried to save him. As the details of Assaf’s heroic battle come to light, his family honors his memory and the sacrifice he made for his country.

This article tells the powerful story of Col. Assaf Hammi, a dedicated and courageous commander who gave everything for his country and his fellow soldiers.

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