The Hidden Danger of Cola: Potassium Deficiency and Its Risks

by time news

2023-06-19 14:28:15

Wer Cola drinks, who usually knows that the brown fizzy drink is not particularly healthy. Doctors have found out, however, that cola can not only cause well-known problems such as tooth decay, metabolic disorders, bone loss and diabetes, but also Potassium deficiency. Anyone who consumes cola in excess accepts that the body suffers from hypokalemia, because the potassium content in the blood drops dangerously when consuming cola. This puts vital muscle functions at risk. However, researchers have also found that taking potassium supplements at the same time leads to rapid recovery of the body. However, it is sometimes difficult to associate the symptoms of potassium deficiency with current cola consumption.

Potassium deficiency: Not an isolated case

Cases of people who drank several liters of Coke a day for years and were finally hospitalized with severe symptoms are particularly well-known. But these are not uncommon isolated cases, because basically everyone who drinks more than a liter of cola a day for several months is at risk. If you have been suffering from muscle weakness for a long time and like to drink a lot of cola, you should definitely reconsider your consumption. Doctors have found that the dangerous lack of potassium is probably caused by the ingredients sugar, fructose and caffeine. Unfortunately, it is not yet known which substances exactly play a role. Do not use caffeine-free cola as an alternative, as it can also cause a potassium deficiency. The fructose contained in caffeine-free cola often causes diarrhea, which also flushes out valuable potassium.

Dangerous potassium deficiency from cola

Most patients who suffer from potassium deficiency due to their cola consumption recover very quickly with various potassium supplements and by not drinking cola, but chronic potassium deficiency is also very bad for their own health. Potassium deficiency makes you susceptible to complications such as cardiac arrhythmia. In any case, keep enjoying your cola, but watch the dose. If in doubt, consult your doctor and have your potassium levels checked.

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