The Hidden Dangers of Sucralose: Why This Sugar Alternative Is Anything But Healthy

by time news

2023-07-15 14:56:16
Title: Dangerous Sugar Alternatives: Health Risks of Sucralose Revealed in Recent Studies

Subtitle: Weight gain, gut damage, and DNA changes associated with popular sugar alternative

By Julia Bremken | Created: 07/15/2023, 14:56

Dortmund – Many individuals opt for sugar-free alternatives to cola, yogurt, or muesli in an effort to improve their health and manage their weight. However, recent studies have cast doubt on the health benefits of these sweeteners, revealing that they can lead not only to weight gain, but also to an increased risk of cancer and intestinal damage.

According to the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Germans consume an average of 34.8 kg of sugar per capita per year, equivalent to almost 12,000 sugar cubes and 140,000 calories. The appeal of calorie-free sweeteners lies in the potential to save nearly 400 calories per day without sacrificing sweetness. Unfortunately, studies have found that sugar alternatives such as sucralose are genotoxic, promoting cancer and damaging gut cells.

Sucralose, an artificial sweetener that is approximately 600 times sweeter than sugar, has been found to disrupt the microbiome in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), according to researchers from North Carolina State University. The tolerable daily dose of sucralose, known as the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) value, is anything but harmless. This dangerous sweetener, along with its breakdown product sucralose-6-acetate, has been linked to increased inflammation, colon cancer, weakened thyroid function, and harmful DNA changes.

While the mentioned study was conducted in vitro using human blood cells and gut tissue, not on animals or humans directly, further research is needed to validate these findings in human subjects.

Previous studies have also suggested that sucralose is harmful to health, increasing fat production and inflammation in the body. Paradoxically, many individuals turn to sugar alternatives to live healthier lives and manage their weight. The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) states that, based on the available studies, the impact of beverages containing sweeteners on neurodegenerative diseases and the intestinal flora remains unclear. However, when it comes to sucralose, the BfR warns that harmful and potentially carcinogenic compounds can form when sucralose is heated.

Sucralose can be found in a wide range of foods and beverages, including reduced-calorie foods, spreads, canned vegetables, fish, mustard, alcoholic beverages, and even the popular cola, which has been classified as “probably carcinogenic” due to its sweeteners.

Consumers should be cautious when it comes to avoiding sucralose intake. Checking the packaging for food additives listed as E numbers can help identify the presence of sweeteners. Sucralose is commonly identified by the number E995.

To ensure a healthier alternative to sugar consumption, reducing overall sugar intake is recommended. The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests consuming a maximum of 10% of total energy intake in the form of added sugar, or even better, aiming for 5%. It is important to note that this recommendation only applies to added sugar and not naturally occurring sugar in fruits or milk.

Consumers are also advised to be cautious of products labeled “sugar-free” or “no added sugar,” as these claims can often hide the presence of sweeteners.

In light of the recent findings on the potential health risks of sucralose, it becomes crucial for individuals to make informed choices about their sugar intake and prioritize natural alternatives for a healthier lifestyle.]
#Intestinal #damage #cancer #result

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