The Higher Degree with a 90% job placement rate that allows you to work in any sector

by time news

2023-08-14 11:24:41

What company doesn’t have one these days? Finance department? The truth is that it is difficult, if not impossible, to find a company that does not have staff dedicated toadministration and accounting. Therefore, they are not surprising data from the Public Employment Service which evidence the high demand for this type of professional: in 2022 alone, more than 120,000 contracts were signed for which the Higher Degree in Administration and Finance.

Per part seva, Adecco situates the 90% job placement rate just a few months after obtaining the degree, which turns the Higher Degree in Administration and Finance in one of the more requested. “This degree has become one of the most requested by students thanks to the guarantees it offers in the job search“, explains Miguel Sieteiglesias, Director of Operations of the Institut Superior d’FP UNIVERSAE.

One of the factors that make the Higher Degree in Administration and Finance one of the most relevant is its versatility: allows you to work in all types of companies, whatever your activity, as knowledge in areas such as management and taxation provide the opportunity to adapt to a wide variety of roles in different industries. Thus, professionals have the opportunity to learn about the dynamics and characteristics of each sector, which allows them to settle, finally, on the one that best suits their personal tastes and that best fits their goals and ambitions.

“A UNIVERSAL we receive daily more than 15,000 job offers on the part of the more than 20,000 companies with which we have signed an agreement”, lists Sieteiglesias, “and a prominent percentage is related to accounting. This shows the variety of companies that want to hire qualified technicians in this area”.

In a world where social responsibility is on the agenda and the efficient management of resources is undoubtedly one of the biggest concerns of companies, Administration and Finance professionals are also able to lead initiatives of this type. “Encourage the economic profitability and environmental sustainabilityoptimizing internal processes and making ethically responsible decisions are among the skills that UNIVERSAE students develop, which distinguishes them in the ever-competitive labor market,” says the Director of Operations of this Institut Superior d’FP.

Open UNIVERSAE, the open campuses

L’IHigher Institute of Professional Training offers students the opportunity to enjoyOpen UNIVERSE a program of experiences and practical activities which will be developed in all UNIVERSAE campuses in Spain and Latin America. Open UNIVERSAE transforms the 90,000m2 of facilities into flexible spaces, open to students and oriented towards innovation.

Each campus has a program of practical experiences, of voluntary presence, adapted to a certain degree and related to the specific contents. Theteam of teachers of each professional family is in charge of preparing the activities. And the participation of active experts and professionals from the different sectors is planned to bring business reality closer to the students.

To participate in the Open activities UNIVERSAL you must be enrolled in any of the official FP degrees offered by the Higher Institute. In this way, students have total freedom to enroll in any of the proposed activities.

Vocational training, a growing option especially in the online mode

According to the data of Ministry of Education and Vocational Trainingfor the first time, the number dstudents enrolled in a FP degree exceeded the million during the 2021-2022 academic year. These numbers add up to one increment of 29.8% during the last 5 years. In addition, the online modality is chosen more and more, mainly because of its compatibility with work and family reconciliation. In the same time period alluded to above, the volume of people who chose to pursue middle and higher degrees ofFP at a distance increased by 252.5%.

Among the most requested degrees for the students there are the middle and superiors of the professional families of Health, Administration and Management, Computing and Communications, Electricity, Sociocultural Services and the Community, Transport and Vehicle Maintenance and Trade and Marketing. This is mainly due to the ease of their profiles in the subsequent process ofemployment in the labor market. In fact, it is expected that, in the next decade, one in four opportunities toemployment in Spain it will be intended for FP graduates.

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