The historian Joan B. Culla dies at the age of 71 from cancer

by time news

2023-11-29 11:33:14

the historian, professor, writer i political analyst Joan B. Culla died this Wednesday at 71 years old after more than a year of fighting a cancer, as reported by ‘Ara’, a media outlet where he had been collaborating for years. Graduated and doctored in contemporary history from the UB, he was a professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona since 77. Born in Barcelona in 1952stood out for his extensive work dedicated to Catalan politics and its parties and for his presence in the media, as an analyst, talk show host and political commentator on radio and television.

Joan B. Culla he has published about twenty books on political and social aspects of Catalonia in the 20th century, as well as on the Israeli-Arab conflict.

Some of these works are ‘Left-wing Catalanism’ (1928-1936)‘Lerrouxist republicanism in Catalonia (1921-1923)’‘Joan Casanellas and Ibarz (1904-1986)’, Democratic Union of Catalonia. The long way (1931-2001)’, ‘Israel, the dream and the tragedy. From Zionism to the Palestinian conflict’, ‘The Spanish Right in Catalonia’, ‘Brief history of Zionism’, ‘Republican Left of Catalonia 1931-2012. A political story’ or ‘The tsunami. How and why the Catalan party system has become unrecognizable’.

Likewise, in 2019 he published the memoirs ‘La história viscuda’, with Pòrtic Edicions where he reviewed his life from his origins in Poblenou to the intimacy of politics as Jordi Pujol o Pascal Maragallthrough his activity in the media alongside Josep Cuní, Antoni Bassas or Mònica Terribas.

Columnist of opinion in the daily press for more than three decades, he has also participated assiduously in radio and television programs. He was an advisor in contemporary history programs ‘Popular Memory’of the Catalan circuit of TVE, between 1980 and 1982, and was director and presenter of the program ’20th century’from Televisió de Catalunya, from 1991 to 2013, as well as columnist in magazines ‘Serra d’Or’ o ‘The Advance’ and in the daily press. He made regular contributions to ‘Avui’, ‘El País’ and ‘Ara’.


Members of civil society and politics paid tribute to Joan B. Culla last September 21. The act was promoted by a group of historians and organized by the CCCB and the newspaper ‘Ara’ due to the delicate state of health of the honouree. Among the attendees were the president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, and former presidents Jordi Pujol, José Montilla and Artur Mas. There was also the Minister of Universities, Joaquim Nadalthe Minister of Culture, Natàlia Garriga, and the Minister of Universities, Joan Subirats.

At this event, the historian was grateful and indicated: “On the journey I now begin, you have just provided me with the most precious baggage“.

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#historian #Joan #Culla #dies #age #cancer

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