The history of 8M from the original events to the present

by time news

Photo: UNsplash / Claudio Schwarz
Photo: UNsplash / Claudio Schwarz

International Women’s Day, celebrated on March 8 each year, is a global commemoration of women’s social, economic, cultural, and political achievements. This day also serves as a call to action for gender equality and women’s rights. The history of International Women’s Day dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, when the socialist movement and the fight for women’s rights began to take shape.

The official story tells that on March 8, 1908a group of working women organized a demonstration in New York City demanding better working conditions, equal rights and the right to vote. This demonstration, known as the Women’s Marchbecame a historic moment in the fight for women’s rights and laid the foundations for the celebration of International Women’s Day.

In 1910, during the Second International Conference of Socialist Women in Copenhagen, Denmark, it was proposed to create a special day in the calendar to celebrate women’s rights and promote gender equality. The idea was well received and it was agreed that March 8 would be commemorated as International Women’s Day.

The first International Women’s Day was celebrated on March 19, 1911 in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland.. That day, more than a million women and men attended rallies and demonstrations to demand the right to vote, better working conditions and an end to gender discrimination.

In the following years, the celebration of International Women’s Day spread to other countries in Europe and North America. During World War I, women played a key role in the production of food and supplies, leading to greater recognition of their skills and contributions. However, equal rights were still far from being achieved and women continued to fight for their rights around the world.

In 1975, the United Nations (UN) designated March 8 as International Women’s Day and made it an official celebration. The UN declared that International Women’s Day would be a day to reflect on the progress made in the fight for gender equality and to take action to address the challenges that women still face.

Currently, International Women’s Day is celebrated around the world with demonstrations, rallies, talks, concerts and other events that highlight the importance of gender equality and the fight against discrimination and gender violence. The celebration of International Women’s Day continues to be an important tool to raise awareness of women’s rights and to inspire women to fight for a fairer and more equal future.

The women of the Russian Revolution are crucial in the history of 8M

One of the most valuable moments in the fight for women’s rights occurred during the Russian Revolution of 1917. At that time, many women were on strike demanding better living conditions and the fall of the monarchy. The provisional government responded by granting women the vote on February 23, 1917, according to the Julian calendar, which is equivalent to March 8 according to the Gregorian calendar.

After World War II, more countries began to commemorate Women’s Day and join the fight for equal rights.

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