The horror of sugar consumption in children

by time news

2023-11-01 04:00:07

Although Halloween and Days of the Dead are among children’s favorite dates, basically the most affected is the health. All part of the increase in the consumption of sweets during this date. For some parents it seems like an unimportant situation although in reality it is quite the opposite.

Conventionally, during this night, children go out dressed up to “ask for your skull.” Some receive money although most get sweets as a noble gesture from others.

Behind this tradition there is a deep problem. Sugar abuse is associated with the development of obesity and diabetesboth diseases having a high impact among the population.

With this in mind, Dr. Acosta Then, who is director of the Obesity and Specialties Clinic Salutte Clinicmentions that the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) promotes a plan for the prevention of obesity in children and adolescents.

Among the measures it recommends are restrictions on the marketing of ultra-processed food and beverage products to children, increasing the costs of these products through taxes, increasing the production and accessibility of healthy fresh foods, and the formulation of new guidelines. for school and preschool programs for the sale of food and beverages in schools.

Why should children control candy during Halloween?

It is an opportunity to teach them how to manage the consumption of sweets. Just because they have a big basket doesn’t mean you have to consume it at the same time. It is time to educate children for a happy life.

Why does sugar affect children’s behavior?

Industrialized sugars and carbohydrates quickly enter the bloodstream in children. Therefore, they produce rapid changes in the sugar levels in the blood. This can cause a child to become more active, causing hyperactivity, tantrums or sadness.

At what age can children consume sugar? What is the recommended serving?

After two years, to avoid growth problems, diabetes and cavities. Between 0-4 years, less than 10 grams. Over 4 years, 19 grams. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), almost a third of products for babies under six months have among their ingredients sugar, concentrated fruit juice and other sweetening agents, which should not be added to this type of food.

How can you make Halloween healthier for children?

Use glow-in-the-dark items Bubbles Stickers Crayons Boxed juices Chocolate trail mix

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