The Horrors of October’s Shabbat: Israeli Ambassador Exposes the Savagery of Hamas at UN Assembly

by time news

Title: Israeli Ambassador Depicts Horrors of Shabbat Attack at UN Assembly

Date: [Insert Date]

The Ambassador of Israel to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, delivered a powerful speech today at the UN Assembly, recounting the atrocities of the recent Shabbat attack in October. Erdan vividly described the terrifying events that unfolded during that fateful day, aiming to shed light on the barbaric acts committed by Hamas terrorists.

During his address, Ambassador Erdan highlighted the indiscriminate firing of mortars and rockets by Hamas, as well as their invasion of Israel. He emphasized that the terrorists aimed to savagely murder every living being they encountered. The ambassador’s words painted a harrowing picture of the brutality unleashed on innocent civilians.

Furthermore, Erdan criticized the international community’s response to the situation, particularly the lack of condemnation towards Hamas. He highlighted the hypocrisy of the UN, which seemingly fails to protect hospitals and medical staff when they are Israeli, stating, “The hypocrisy here is beyond imagination.”

The ambassador also shared stories of heroism and tragedy, such as that of 22-year-old paramedic Amit Man, who lost her life while attempting to save wounded individuals. He also mentioned the horrific acts of rape, torture, and murder committed against women and children, underscoring the extent of the heinous crimes perpetrated by Hamas.

Erdan continued his speech, criticizing the unfolding emergency session and the draft resolution that failed to mention Hamas or condemn its actions. He labeled the decision as shameful and detached from reality, urging the international community not to forget the responsibility Hamas holds for the violence and murder.

In a shocking display, Ambassador Erdan projected a video showing a Hamas terrorist attempting to decapitate a victim, emphasizing that Israel is not at war with humanity but with monsters. He also shared a QR code that linked to graphic photos of Israelis burned alive by Hamas, reinforcing the horrors endured by the victims.

As Israel continues to mourn the victims and count the dead, Ambassador Erdan’s impassioned speech aimed to provide a stark reminder of the atrocities committed during the Shabbat attack. His plea for justice, condemnation of Hamas, and call for unity against terrorism at the UN Assembly resonated with many, underlining the importance of addressing and preventing such heinous acts.

The international community is now faced with the task of ensuring that justice prevails and that the perpetrators are held accountable for their actions. As the world grapples with the aftermath of this devastating attack, the call for peace and unity echoes louder than ever, urging nations to stand together against terrorism and uphold the values of humanity.

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