The House of Horrors – The penultimate raulista alive

by time news

2023-07-18 18:10:58

What was he like?… Ah, yes, regarding Spanish arbitration, the general secretary of the PSOE, Pedro Sanchez Castejonsaid the following in Marca the other day: “If I would like to express my full confidence in the refereesI don’t think it’s an easy job”. internationally recognized even with the participation of referees in international competitions. Total confidence in the referees of our country”. Do I understand? By whom? Who understands the President of the Government in these matters? Man, it is assumed that the one who understands Engañé Sánchez on economic matters is his Minister of Economy, Whoever understands him about defense matters is his Minister of Defense, who understands him about issues that have to do with agriculture is his Minister of Agriculture and who should understand him about sports matters, and specifically arbitration issues, should be your sports minister, right?

And who is the Sports Minister of Engañé Sánchez? Miquel Octavi Iceta and Llorens. What has Mr. Octavi done to occupy said portfolio? What knowledge does he have? Mr. Octavi began to study Chemical Sciences and Economics but he abandoned them at the first opportunity to dedicate himself to politics, which is where one really progresses in life. He joined the PSC in 1977, that is, when he was 17 years old, he worked for Narcís Serra, he was a candidate for the presidency of the Generalitat, a senator by regional designation, Minister of Territorial Policy for a few months and, wow! Don’t bother Miquel Octavi. Mr. Octavi is not known to have any connection to the sporting matter or any knowledge of this matter either, except, yes, being the nephew of Luis Iceta Zubiaur, an Athletic Club player between 1910 and 1916. Asked in April about the scandal of the payment of 7 3 million euros from Barcelona to the arbitration vice president for 17 years, this gentleman said the following: “I do not follow the Negreira case closely. Whoever is without sin cast the first stone“In other words, the one who has to understand Engañé Sánchez on the arbitration issue is someone who confesses not following the Negreira case closely, his Sports Minister. Can something go wrong?

What was it like?… Ah, yes, “total confidence in the referees”. Three days after Engañé Sánchez showed Marca his total confidence in the arbitration group, Miguel Ángel Pérez, who if it were not for the fact that I know him, I would think that he was waiting for the President of the Government to make those statements, revealed a conversation yesterday in Libertad Digital between Luis Medina Cantalejopresident of the Technical Committee and, by age, putative son of Negreira, in which, among other niceties, he called Estrada Fernández a rat: “Be careful. And you know that I don’t say anything for free: if you mess up or we catch you, you’re going to the bloody street dishonored.” And he added: “Ask God not to catch you.” Of course, and always according to the Minister of Sports, whoever has never called someone a rat or threatened to throw them out into the bloody street, should throw the first stone, right? What these statements by Medina Cantalejo demonstrate, his way of speaking and acting when he feels safe and on his own ground, in confidence in front of his own, is nothing more than a line of action perpetuated over time, a modus operandi learned from their elders, inherited from them and habitually put into practice. In other words, the famous “either with me or against me”. What, without intending it, precisely that conversation of the president of the Technical Committee of Referees confirms is that if something cannot be had precisely, it is total trust but rather complete distrust. What his words confirm, without him wanting it, is that for years there, in that house, as in Bernarda Alba’s, they act in a very different way from that in the street.

At this time, and known by Libertad Digital that conversation, Luis Medina Cantalejo continues surprisingly at the head of the arbitration group. This is so because the federation chaired by Luis Rubiales does not dare to pierce a melon that, if it were to do so, if it were to put the knife into it, it would come out a cucumber for sure. But it’s not Medina, no, it’s the system. There is a system of terror and horror installed there that will not allow it to be touched because the President of the Government has complete confidence, the Minister of Sports is not interested in the Negreira case and, in view of the burning that is expected next Sunday, the Secretary of State is no longer concerned because he fled seeking quick and easy financial refuge in the Senate. Medina Cantalejo will not resign but if, for those things that he has in life, he gave the surprise and did it, another one would arrive like him or even worse. It’s not Juanito or Pepito, it’s not a matter of Luisito or Antoñito, it’s about mamandurria. Definitely, Negreira in its pure state, one hundred percent Negreira, Negreira and her nephews.

#House #Horrors #penultimate #raulista #alive

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