The House of Representatives expresses its dissatisfaction with the European Union’s policy towards the migration crisis in Libya.

by time news

The Chairman of the Internal Affairs Committee in the House of Representatives, Suleiman Al-Hariri, expressed his deep dissatisfaction with the European Union’s policy towards the migration crisis and considered it mainly responsible for the aggravation of the humanitarian situation in the country, including the interception of migrants at sea and their return to Libya.

Al-Harari explained that Libya is suffering from political and economic crises and cannot deal with the crisis of migration flows on behalf of Europe, given the poor conditions experienced by the Libyan institutions concerned with the issue of immigration, foremost of which is the Anti-Illegal Immigration Agency, which is affiliated with the migrant shelters.

The head of the Interior Committee in the House of Representatives pointed out that the concerned agencies in Libya have become unable to provide food and medical assistance to thousands of irregular migrants who arrive in the country daily and are received by shelter centers, not to mention dealing with dangerous types of diseases, epidemics and difficult humanitarian cases.

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