The humanism of Bulgarian society did not allow anti-Semitism in Bulgaria – 2024-03-11 06:04:35

by times news cr

2024-03-11 06:04:35

President Rumen Radev took part in the ceremony of naming a street after the world-famous Israeli writer, historian and public figure born in Bulgaria, Prof. Michael Bar-Zoar

At the basis of the incredible act of saving the Bulgarian Jews is that historical bond between the Bulgarian and Jewish communities, the full integration of the Bulgarian Jews into society, which never allowed destructive manifestations of anti-Semitism seen in other parts of Europe. Only a society with deep tolerant and humane values ​​can commit such a deed. This was stated by President Rumen Radev in the village of Gorsko Slivovo, where he participated in the naming ceremony of a street for the Israeli writer, historian and public figure born in Bulgaria, Prof. Michael Bar-Zoar. Prof. Michael Bar-Zoar also participated in the ceremony on the occasion of the Day of the Rescue of the Bulgarian Jews and of paying tribute to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust in Gorsko Slivovo.

In his speech in front of the home where Prof. Bar-Zoar lived, the head of state noted the heroic act 81 years ago of the entire Bulgarian people, of Bulgarian institutions and the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, of professional and creative associations, of university and scientific circles, of numerous ordinary Bulgarian citizens, united by the strong will to stop the insanity of one of the darkest eras in human history, overwhelmed by the inhumane Hitler’s ideology of extermination of the Jewish people. “Today we can hardly imagine what incredible spiritual strength, courage and determination it took to stand up to the crushing machine of the Wehrmacht, which overran the whole of Europe, but our ancestors did it, guided by faith in humanism, tolerance and goodness”. the head of state pointed out.

Rumen Radev stated that Gorsko Slivovo is directly related to the personality of the Israeli scientist and Bulgarian in spirit. “He spent, as he himself says, some of the best years of his childhood here, on this street, he kept deep in his heart his Bulgarian spirit intact and resistant to time,” he said. President Radev pointed to the inseparable connection between Prof. Bar-Zoar with the memorable date 10.03.1943 and emphasized his work, thanks to which the world became acquainted with the historical truth of the heroic act of saving all Bulgarian Jews. He is the person who continues in all international forums, discussions, celebrations to stand up for this truth, the president added.

Due to a number of external and internal reasons, the government before 1989 did not give publicity to these events, apparently driven by ideological considerations. Thanks to Professor Bar-Zoar, the world began to learn about them, the head of state said. “Unfortunately, today there are forces led by strange interests who are trying to demean this heroic act of our people and country and demean it by attributing blame for the death of 11,343 Jewish citizens from Macedonia and White Sea Thrace, which the then Bulgarian administration for clear historical reasons, it failed to save,” Rumen Radev pointed out. According to the head of state, regardless of the declaration of the National Assembly on this issue from 2013, in which the highest body of the state has an absolutely clear position, the attempts continue for denigrating our country at international forums, debates, at historical celebrations and interpretations. “More and more Bulgarian researchers, historians, politicians and public figures understand the essence of these efforts and give them the necessary resistance,” the head of state stressed.

Today in our midst is the man to whom we owe deep respect and recognition for his comprehensive work to make the world understand the truth about this incredible historical feat of our people and country, the President said. He reminded that in 2020 he awarded Prof. Bar-Zohar with the highest state award – the Stara Planina Order. enjoyed the love of the Bulgarians. That is why the people, as an expression of their appreciation, took this initiative to name this street after him, so that generations can remember his righteous deed,” the president pointed out and thanked the local authorities and residents for the initiative taken.

In his acceptance speech, Prof. Michael Bar-Zoar indicated that he felt deeply connected to Bulgaria and emphasized that the Bulgarian spirit saved the Bulgarian Jews. And the act before 81 showed that “a small David can defeat a huge Goliath”. He emphasized that the story of the humanism of the Bulgarians should continue to be told and be an example to the world.

Before the ceremony, at a solemn meeting of the municipal council of the municipality of Letnitsa, the decision to name the street “Prof. Michael Bar-Zoar”. The proposer of the proposal is the mayor of the municipality, Dr. Krasimir Johnev.

Speaking to journalists, the president said that we must remember what it means when our people are united behind a humanitarian cause. “We should remember these events because we should be proud. In today’s world full of contradictions, with so much hatred, with a desire for destruction, we continue to set a strong moral example,” Rumen Radev also stated.

After the ceremony, the head of state Rumen Radev held a meeting with mayors and representatives of local authorities from the region.

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