The head of Hungarian Prime Minister Vikror Orbán’s office, Gergejs Gujas, announced already in August that if Brussels continues to impose rules on Hungary that will make it impossible to stop illegal immigrants at the border, Budapest will offer free transport to Brussels for each of the illegal immigrants.
State Secretary Bence Retvari said at a press conference in Budapest today that Hungary will offer illegal migrants a free one-way ticket to Brussels. He said that the transportation would be carried out “after the implementation of the European procedure”, but did not specify what exactly the status of the asylum seekers would be. “If Brussels wants illegal migrants, Brussels can have them,” he added.
The threat to send illegal migrants to Brussels is Hungary’s response to a June ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), which fined Hungary 200 million euros for persistent non-compliance with the bloc’s asylum rules. If Hungary does not align its policy with EU law, it will be fined an additional million euros per day.
2024-09-07 19:53:33