The idea of our people drinking heavily is wrong, says Vladimir Legoyda, head of the Synodal Department of the Russian Orthodox Church for Church Relations with Society and the Media. He announced this at a press conference at TASS on the eve of the All-Russian Day of Sobriety.
In his opinion, a noticeable decrease in alcohol consumption figures (almost two times over the past 12 years) is associated with preventive work, which is very consistently carried out by the Ministry of Health and the Russian Orthodox Church. In his opinion, at the very beginning, a shocking anti-alcohol advertisement worked well, which affected many like a cold shower.
In connection with the discussion of this topic, he drew attention to the reproaches of the Church, calling people to be “servants of God.” “Why?” – many people ask. And the topic of alcohol addiction provides an excellent answer to this question.
“Being a slave of God, a person is no longer a slave to anyone: neither nicotine, nor alcoholism, nor shopaholism have power over him, – explained Legoida. -” Servant of God “is absolute freedom from all other forms of dependence.”
He recalled that there is a very important Christian virtue – sobriety. This means, of course, spiritual and mental sobriety, but in a physically drunk state it is difficult to maintain spiritual sobriety.
He wished compatriots more interest in the Day of Sobriety and commented on the widely discussed proposal to limit the sale of spirits to young people under 21 years old.
In his opinion, the issue “requires a serious public discussion”, but it is already clear that the arguments “opponents of these restrictions are not serious and false.” Say, if you can give a machine up to 21 years old, then why not vodka. Duty, love for the Motherland, moral responsibility and the right to buy poison, according to Legoida, should not be in the same row.
He also recalled that in this case we are not talking about a ban, but about restricting sales, and if parents really want their child to try vodka after 18 years old, then let them buy and pour it.
In his opinion, the fashion for alcohol as a means of confirming one’s “coolness” and “adulthood” among the youth is passing.