the idea of ​​an inter-union response emerges

by time news

All unions reject retirement at 65, but will they succeed in expressing their hostility with one voice? The idea of ​​a common discourse is, in any case, beginning to emerge. During the demonstration on 1is-May in Paris, Yves Veyrier, the secretary general of FO, pleaded, with ardor, in favor of a collective approach against the will of Emmanuel Macron to push back the age of opening of the rights to a pension. “I hope that our five confederations will be able to say it clearly and clearly”he said, referring to his central and the four others who are representative at the interprofessional level (CFDT, CFE-CGC, CFTC, CGT).

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In mid-October 2020, the leaders of these organizations had co-drafted a text which they had sent to the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, with a copy to the Head of State. The signatories of this letter then asked that the reform establishing a universal pension system, suspended at the time because of the Covid-19 epidemic, not be put back on the agenda by the end. of the legislature. As this project had finally been abandoned, the boss of FO thinks that the initiative of the unions had had an influence on the decision of the executive.

Use of the “right to demonstrate”

“We said that we were all opposed to raising the legal retirement ageargued Mr. Veyrier, Sunday 1is May, speaking to journalists. Now it has to materialize. » And to point out that “it would mark (…) the spirits “. He even went so far as to mention the hypothesis of recourse to the “right to demonstrate, right to strike if necessary”. Before specifying: “I hope it won’t have to come to that. » The day after the second round of the presidential election, the union leader had already written to his counterparts to suggest that they“to examine possibilities for joint action”as revealed by the AEF news agency.

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“We can see each other at five, but not on the bases [de cette lettre] »confides Laurent Berger, the general secretary of the CFDT, arguing that it is the « reprise » of a statement published on March 31 by the authorities of FO. For his part, Philippe Martinez, the number one of the CGT, explains that his confederation has “responded favorably to the idea of ​​a meeting of the five unions”. It will follow, if it takes place, another time of exchange, which took place “before the first round of the presidential election”he explains.

François Hommeril, the president of the CFE-CGC, is also in favor. He even argues that we “will do everything to have a five-way statement on retirement at 65”. On the other hand, the leader of the CFTC, Cyril Chabanier, is more cautious. He approved of the idea of ​​a meeting, while pointing out the existence of “real differences” between employee organizations on the subject of pensions, so that the principle of a common position is not ” not easy “.

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