the ideal option for screen users

by time news

2024-08-28 07:22:23

Las work glasses They are a regular type of glasses designed for the screen user and have multi-distance lenses.

Dr. Itziar Martínez-Soroa from the Miranza Begitek Hospital explains that they are indicated for people who want a clear vision, both at intermediate and close distances, ideal for those who work with computers.

Dr. Alfredo Ferrer, ophthalmologist and communicator of the Professional Association of Ophthalmologists of Spain (APOE) He pointed out that these glasses are not designed for distance vision and cannot be used, for example, for driving, something that is possible with improvements.

However, the expert indicates that performance glasses offer a much wider field of vision return, and therefore, greater comfort for intermediate and close distances.

What are functional glasses?

Martínez Soroa explains that work glasses are a type of specialized lenses designed to improve vision in work situations that require clear vision at specific distances, such as using computer screens.

They are equipped with multiple focuses that allow vision at different points: between 60 and 90 centimeters for intermediate distances, and between 30 and 40 centimeters for near vision.

The benefits

A fundamental problem of the eyesight, or presbyopia, often begins from 45 yearswhen we begin to have difficulty focusing on close objects.

As we advance in age, this condition worsens, first affecting near vision and, later, central distance vision.

“In our daily lives, the use of electronic screens has become central, not only for work, but also for leisure. Therefore, the use of functional glasses gives us comfort by allowing us to see at these two distances without having to strain our eyes to focus,” the expert pointed out.

It provides us with a sharp image and, compared to multifocal lenses, offers a wider field of vision.

In addition, conversions between different prescriptions on the lens are easy.

In performance glasses, this change is even more so, with greater adaptation flexibility compared to advanced glasses.

The expert explains that in general, having a smaller license in a lens corrects the ergonomics of our position, that is, the position of the head and neck in front of the screen.

This makes it more comfortable than with multifocal glasses, which often require moving your neck to find the right space within the lens frame.

Also, Ferrer added that one of the obvious advantages is the price, because advanced glasses are more expensive than functional glasses.


Typically, the wearer of functional glasses is a person who has adequate distance vision, but needs additional correction for near or intermediate vision.

The doctor explains that the work and the distance of the screen are important factors.

“For example, a patient working with a screen on a numerical control may have different needs than someone on a production line. Navigation and screen fit in the work environment influence the choice of work glasses. In the area where the screen is fixed, such as on the work table, the patient can adjust the distance, while in other areas with less flexibility, such as on the production line, the visual needs may be different, points out the expert.

The professor pointed out that he asked patients to measure the distance from the screen they were working with.

Based on that distance, we make a correction based on that measurement to correct vision according to the number of diopters that need to be corrected.

When not to use them

The expert pointed out that in general, the insurance is very broad.

However, patients also strabismus or anisotropy Sometimes they find it more difficult to adapt to this type of glasses, either functional or progressive.

Adaptation time

The book of Miranza explains that although there are always some changes, with good information and adequate reference, the patient usually adapts to the glasses in a few days.

Over time, you learn to adjust your sight based on distance and your work needs.

Ferrer mentions that advanced glasses require a longer adjustment time because of the multiple strengths and possible distortions in the lenses.

In contrast, work glasses are generally very easy to fit.

The expert explains that the transition time depends on each patient.

“A patient with farsightedness, who has difficulty focusing up close, generally adapts well to both progressive and functional lenses. On the other hand, a patient with high myopia or astigmatism, which requires a more complex correction, may take a little longer to improve himself,” said the expert.

Also, he explained that the quality and production of the lens also play an important role.

“The better the quality of the glass and its design, the faster the adaptation will be, which in many cases can only take two days,” said Ferrer.

Periodic adjustments

After the age of 45, presbyopia tends to continue and, in general, every year or year and a half the need for correction may increase.

This condition tends to stop around 60-65 years of age. However, at that age other problems with the lens may begin to appear.

Typically, over a period of one to one and a half years, the patient may need adjustments in distance and medication to accommodate the changes in their vision.


Multifocal contact lenses are not always optimal for intermediate and near vision.

Although they can offer some focus, currently they don’t provide as sharp a view as you would like.

One option to consider is internal surgery.

Trifocal intraocular lenses, which correct distance, intermediate and near vision, are generally recommended for patients over 45 years of age who have started to develop presbyopia and distance vision loss.

If the patient is not suitable for working glasses or prefers not to use them for their activities, intraocular surgery can be a viable option, if a complete ophthalmological evaluation is performed.

It is important to consult with an ophthalmologist

Alfredo Ferrer recommends an initial consultation with an ophthalmologist, because at this stage of life ocular pathologies unrelated to presbyopia, such as glaucoma, may appear.

The communication team of the APOE indicate that it is important to do a preventive test and then the doctor will give the first recommendations.

The process will end with a visit to a trusted optician, who will be in charge of providing the appropriate glasses.

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