The identikit of the future doctor, at the start of the second edition of ‘Tech2Doc’

by time news

Telemedicine and new technologies, how the figure of the doctor changes in the post-Covid era. Tracing the identikit is the goal of ‘Tech2Doc’, a project promoted by the Enpam Foundation to support doctors and dentists in the transition towards the digitalization of medicine, which this year will be dedicated to exploring the skills of the doctor of the future. The appointment is tomorrow, 11 November, starting at 9.30, at Palazzo Rospigliosi in Rome. The event will alternate live (also streaming) with experts, representatives of institutions and the profession. To introduce the works Alberto Oliveti, president of Enpam. He communicates this with a social security note from doctors and dentists.

The presidents of the Silvio Brusaferro Higher Institute of Health, of the Federation of Orders of Doctors and Dentists Filippo Anelli, of the Gimbe Foundation Nino Cartabellotta and the director of Enpam Silvestro Scotti. For the university there will be Carlo Della Rocca, president of the conference of deans of the medical faculties and Stefania Basili, head of the conference of degree course presidents, as well as Guido Rasi, professor at Tor Vergata and former director of the European Agency for medicines. Research and analysis will be presented on technological trends (by the Lift Lab of Sda Bocconi), on skills (by the Digital Health Observatory of the Politecnico di Milano), on the scenario of the health system and on innovation in industry (Enpam surveys -Healthware).

The identikit of the doctor of the future will be designed by Luca Cinquepalmi (Enpam) while the trajectories of professional practice will be deepened in the various fields: general medicine with interventions by Nicola Calabrese and Massimo Magi of Fimmg, hospital medicine with Pierino Di Silverio for Anaao Assomed and Guido Quici for Cimo-Fesmed, outpatient specialist with Antonio Magi del Sumai, pediatrics with Alberto Eugenio Tozzi (International Society for Pediatric Innovation), dentistry with Carlo Ghirlanda for Andi and Raffaele Iandolo on behalf of Cao.

Roberto Monaco for Fnomceo will touch on the themes of Ethics and digital ethics while telemedicine will be treated by Francesco Gabbrielli, of the National Center for Telemedicine and New Assistive Technologies of the ISS. There will also be a focus on investments in healthcare, moderated by Mariavittoria Zaglio of Class Cnbc which will involve leading operators such as Pictet Asset Management, Schroeders Capital, Nb Renaissance, Medicxi (Pantheon) and Quadrivio Group.

The vision of the industry on the medicine of the future and the interaction with the medical profession will be at the center of a round table led by Fabio Savelli of Corriere della Sera, which will see the participation of Healthware, Poste Italiane, Engineering, Dedalus and Chiesi Italia. To help doctors and dentists to better face the transformation and changes that are taking place in the world of healthcare and health, the Tech2Doc event aims to promote an active and systematic comparison between the main stakeholders of the healthcare system. The live streaming will be available on

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