The identity past of the RN deputy Grégoire de Fournas

by time news

2023-10-27 05:00:33
Grégoire de Fournas, National Rally deputy for Gironde, at the Palais-Bourbon, in Paris, June 27, 2023. JACQUES WITT / SIPA

“An exemplary and uneventful activist”, far from any radicalism: this is how the National Rally (RN) described its deputy Grégoire de Fournas a year ago. The National Assembly had just suspended him for shouting racist invective “Let him go back to Africa!” » addressed to the “rebellious” deputy from Val-d’Oise Carlos Martens Bilongo, who spoke in the Hemicycle on the NGO SOS Méditerranée – Mr. de Fournas assured that he was targeting the boat Ocean-Vikingand not the black elected official from La France insoumise.

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The press then unearthed numerous publications on social networks testifying to Grégoire de Fournas’ obsession with African immigration and skin color. She was still unaware that the RN deputy for Gironde, elected in June 2022, was, before campaigning for the National Front (now the RN), an executive of the Identitarian Bloc.

Heir to Radical Unity – an organization dissolved after the assassination attempt perpetrated by one of its members, Maxime Brunerie, against Jacques Chirac, then President of the Republic, on July 14, 2002 –, the small group Bloc Identitaire, today disappeared, represented the ethno-differentialist extreme right, which rejects multicultural society, mixed race and a supposed “Islamization of Europe”.

“Pig soup”

The antifascist website The Horde reveals it, Thursday October 26, in an investigation into his career which unearths the statutes of the Bloc identitaire Aquitaine Regional Federation, filed in 2011. Grégoire de Fournas is its first deputy secretary general. He appears in a photo, in 2010, participating in a small group happening with two activists disguised as Muslims who wear a full veil and a sign, on which is written: “If you don’t want to end up like me, join the Identitarians!” »

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Among the other actions claimed in those years by the Aquitaine Identitarians, let us cite the organization of a “pig soup”, or a distribution of meals for the homeless, discriminatory against practicing Muslims and Jews. Another action earned the activists of the Bloc Identitaire a conviction by the courts, in 2012, for damage: in 2010, they had covered with white paint a wall denouncing the expulsions of families seeking asylum, in the village of Billère (Pyrénées- Atlantics). The court sentenced three executives of the association to a fine, including “a 27-year-old winemaker”, reported Sud-Ouest. Or the age and profession, at the time, of Grégoire de Fournas. Contacted by The worldthe RN deputy from Gironde did not follow up.

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