The IDF and the police responded to the declaration of the cell in Judea and Samaria as a closed military area

by time news

In a joint statement issued by the police and the IDF recently (Wednesday), they addressed the riots that have been taking place this morning in Judea and Samaria, following the rise of thousands of settlers as part of their desire to establish three new settlements in the area.

The IDF and the police referred to the instructions of the political echelon on the issue and the closure of the cell, by declaring a closed military area: The commander of the Central Command signed area closure orders and leveling orders in relation to points where there is a fear of illegal activity in the Judea and Samaria area. The forces are working to prevent the establishment of illegal outposts, and to maintain law and order in the area. “

In addition, the IDF and the police emphasized that “the establishment of outposts in Judea and Samaria that is not in accordance with the processes and approvals required by law is illegal and prohibited.”

archives. Photo: Police spokeswoman

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