The IDF opens fire areas on Hanukkah, Route 10 will remain closed

by time news

During the Hanukkah holiday, the IDF will open some of the training areas, the fire areas, throughout the country for the benefit of travelers. Along with the opening, it was decided not to open Route 10 during the Hanukkah holiday following the assessment of the situation and in accordance with the decision of the Ramat Negev Regional Council.

Any arrival in military territory requires prior coordination and approval

The IDF emphasizes that any arrival in military territory requires prior coordination and approval at the phone numbers listed at the end of the article. The IDF continues to train even during the holiday in some areas of fire, including training with live fire, and therefore, travelers must drive carefully and in accordance with the instructions, and make sure that they do not accidentally enter the areas IDF training.

Highway 10 at the Egyptian border. will not open to the public Photo: Yossi Zeliger, Flash 90

There is a prohibition to cross fences and enter fenced and controlled places, including minefields marked with a barbed wire fence and yellow-red signage. In addition, it is forbidden to enter the A areas in the Judea and Samaria area marked with red signage. This action constitutes an offense against the law according to the order of the commander of the central command.

In order to coordinate entry to the trails and springs or during unusual events in the Judea and Samaria region, contact the civil centers at number 1208.

Phone numbers for inquiries and coordination:

South – 08-9902926/8
Center – 02-5305042/1
North- 073-3483007

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