the idol of the right who hates science-

by time news

from our correspondent
PARIS – “Jürgen you are a hero”, “We are all Jürgen Conings”, were the writings exhibited yesterday at the no vax event in Brussels. For 10 days Conings, 46, Belgian Air Force sniper and instructor after missions in Bosnia, Kosovo, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Iraq, he is on the run, wanted by hundreds of agents and soldiers. He is armed, dangerous, he has left letters in which he threatens attacks against mosques but above all promises to fight the “health dictatorship”, the government that imposes it and the scientists who in his opinion justify it. Conings quotes among its objectives, the most mediatic Belgian virologist, Marc Van Ranst, who has left his home for days and lives with his family in a hidden location, under police protection. Alongside the understandable solidarity with Van Ranst, it is felt in Belgium, especially in the Flemish part, an astonishing support for Conings, who has now become the idol of the conspiracy far right, which sees the pandemic as the definitive system found by the powerful to control the world.

Jürgen Conings, 46 years old

Last February the Belgian intelligence services have placed him on the list of threats to state security, yet Conings retained access to the base’s weapons, where he stole rifles and rocket launchers. The last acts of the military were stealing weapons, placing medals won in missions abroad on the parents’ grave, writing to his girlfriend a farewell letter in which he says he “joined the resistance, I’m ready to die, I’m not afraid”, and then do a two-hour inspection of the home of Van Ranst, the man who represents everything Conings hates: the power of science and therefore the obligation to wear masks and the recommendation to be vaccinated, but also anti-racism thanks to long-standing public positions.

The day after the disappearance, officers found Conings’ truck in a nature park near the Dutch border. Inside of, four anti-tank rocket launchers, ammunition and a device that could have detonated it. Conings is thought to have continued his escape carrying other weapons, and is now also wanted by Interpol. The latest surveys show that Jürgen Conings months ago trained neo-Nazis who call themselves the “Flemish Legion” in homage to the formation that fought alongside Germany during the Second World War. Conings has the support of extremists in the Telegram channels, but what is most impressive is the support in the sunlight he enjoys in the no vax demonstrations.

Perrine Laine, councilor in the municipality of Ath, is also with him “at 1,000 per 1,000”. From the secret location in which he is forced to live, Marc Van Ranst could not help himself and two days ago he intervened in a far-right chat to insult his persecutors. “Thousands of idiots who write five words with three mistakes have found their hero in the person who wants to kill me, that’s fantastic,” Van Ranst said on the radio. RtlBelgian. «In the shelter I continue to work, my children do remote school, like in the days of the lockdown. We are protected by the police. Little fear, a lot of anger ».

May 29, 2021 (change May 29, 2021 | 21:16)


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