The IESS and the bills

by time news

2023-09-12 07:05:00

22 years ago the National Congress approved the Social Security Bill aimed at strengthening the institutional future that already showed symptoms of defunding, although it had not yet received the tremendous attacks of the suspension of payment of 40% of the State, of the creation of unfunded obligations, of the use of funds from one insurance in another; Therefore, harsh measures were included in that law, agreed upon with several of those involved in the system. Some distinguished figures tenaciously opposed the promulgation of this Law, which was published in official registry No. 465 of November 10, 2001, as they were determined to suspend the solidarity component of the insurance and replace it with the savings of individual funds in the future ACAPs, equivalent to the Chilean AFPs (Pension Fund Administrators), whose example had obsessed them. Fortunately, the failure of the AFPs was the stimulus that changed the way of thinking of these professionals who, in a serious six-month work, within the Special Commission created by President Lasso, reached conclusions similar to those presented by Congress. National in 2021, regarding the creation of mixed insurance with contributions for solidarity distribution and for savings in individual accounts, at retirement age and the way of calculating the pension. Unfortunately, two of the fundamental articles were declared unconstitutional and the Law remained as a simple piece of paper that did not have the follow-up that would have allowed the legislators of subsequent congresses not to leave it incomplete, full of gaps and patched up with reforms issued by the governing councils.

The work of the Government Commission has been valuable and if the former detractors of the Law are its promoters today, it is the obligation of workers and social leaders to also evolve and contribute to the improvement of the legal framework that allows the IESS crisis to end.

#IESS #bills

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