The IESS wants more members: it will look for young people from 15 years old – 2024-02-17 01:52:58

by times news cr

2024-02-17 01:52:58

The president of the IESS, Eduardo Peña, believes that members should pay more and for longer to guarantee the sustainability of retirements and health services.

Peña agrees with other experts that just as the IESS is currently functioning, with enormous amounts to be collected and providing services for a population “that does not contribute”, it is impossible to guarantee its sustainability in the coming years.

Due to this scenario, the other task that Peña has been carrying out are the projects to find a transformation of the Ecuadorian social security system.

In an interview with, mentioned that one of the plans is seek that young people from the age of 15 join the IESS. The motivation? Offering them the opportunity to access sooner mortgage credits so they can buy a good.

The other idea he has (and he is aware of the resistance he may encounter among the population) is that members contribute more money and for a longer time to the IESS.

How did you find the IESS?

Currently it has some problems that are solvable. But in the future there will be others that we must resolve today to avoid reaching a critical point, especially on the issue of retirement and health.

How many members and retirees are there currently?

There are approximately 3,170,000 full-rate paying members. There are about 480,000 retirees.

How is the pension fund and health fund?

There is money to guarantee pension payments. The health issue, on the other hand, we have to review because it operates in the red. An adjustment must be made to health collection.

Let’s go to the origin of the problem. It is demagogically very interesting to say that Social Security cares for the children of members who are between three and eighteen years old. Sounds wonderful. But these new participants do not contribute.

So, if my health system is designed to serve more than three million members who are paying me and I add a significant amount, three or four million more users, to that health system. The system can’t stand it!

That happened to the IESS health system when these participants who are between three and eighteen years old, who do not contribute, entered. The system, which is designed for fewer users, you add more users and it collapses.

What is the situation of external providers?

We have met with them. The number of external providers increased indiscriminately, with prices (for services) that are also, I believe, poorly calculated and should be reviewed.

In 2022, consumption by external providers was, on average, 600 million dollars. In 2023 it rose to 900 million dollars. In 2024 we are expecting that number to drop to $500 million.

What irregular practices were detected by external providers?

They falsified appointments to charge them to the IESS. They hired IESS personnel who, during the hours in which they worked with us, would bill the providers.

We are purging these and other types of irregular practices, which are also being duly reported to the Prosecutor’s Office and the Comptroller’s Office.

How is the situation of the supply of medicines in hospitals?

Hospitals are 70% or 80% supplied. We hope to get up to 90% in the coming months. That is one of the priorities of our administration.

Will a new Teodoro Maldonado Carbo Hospital be built in the south of Guayaquil?

We are not interested at the moment. I think it needs to be restructured.

It has an area of ​​about 70 beds that have been under repair for 10 years. I think it needs to be enabled. We are going to do it.

It had seven operating rooms that were out of use. I understand that they will be operational until April.

Now is not the time to embark on a debt of more than 400 million dollars to build a new hospital

Do you know of new cases of corruption in Teodoro Maldonado?

I have just appointed a new manager, Dr. Rubén Egas Peña, who has been in office for a month. He is in charge of the administration of that hospital. So far I have no data on corruption.

How do you intend to improve health services for members?

You have to charge more. In other words, the solution is not to stop attending, that is unconstitutional. The solution is to pass the payroll to adequately fund health and that requires an increase in the rate. We are going to do it.

Should the retirement system be restructured?

The entire retirement scheme must be reviewed by the Assembly. It is necessary to rethink how I calculate the amount, how much I pay you when you retire, how many contributions I require from you to get there.

You have to unify the types of retirement or at least bring them to a standard. (Reconsider) whether people are going to retire with 360, 400 or 450 contributions. Remember that people live longer, so they can work more.

Would the proposal then be to pay more money and for longer?

Yes sir. Although it is also sought that there be more contributors. In fact, we are working on the plan Sub-24. This is a project that seeks to enable young people between 15 and 24 years old to join the IESS. They would have health benefits and could also access a mortgage loan.

Is there also a plan to extend the payment period for mortgage loans?

From 25 years we want to take them to 30 years. That will make you have a more comfortable quota.

When do you plan to present these projects?

The U-24 thing is out in 15 days. About 30-year mortgage loans. It’s cooking. It will be in a month or month and a half.

The National Government promotes the hourly labor contracting project, a topic that will be asked in the popular consultation. According to the Minister of Labor, those who are hired under this modality will enjoy the same benefits as people employed indefinitely. Is it convenient for the IESS to have people affiliated for work hours?

It is convenient for the IESS to affiliate the entire working population. Whether hourly or permanent contract, everyone should be affiliated.

What is the status of the Biess?

Biess’ numbers are super solid. It is a bank that has no liabilities, only assets. He has money to lend.

However, we have to go with Luis Cabezas-Klaere (the new manager of the institution) to the Superintendency of Banks so that they can give us their perspective and see how the BIESS is doing.

One of the things we would like to do right away is to have an international auditor come and examine the BIESS numbers.

This week the appointment of Luis Cabezas-Klaere as Biess starter was confirmed. The National Anti-Corruption Commission indicated that he was a lawyer for Hispana de Seguros, a company that Biess pays to provide the credit life insurance service. Additionally, the same Commission reported that Cabezas-Klaere’s father is the president of the board of directors of the insurance company in question. Is there then a conflict of interest?

No. Let’s see, Mr. Cabezas-Klaere is a lawyer who at some point defended Hispana.

We are finishing resolving the conflict between Hispana and Biess over the tax relief because by law there must be at least two insurers. My idea is that there are four. That will be resolved, I hope, this February.

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