The III Fira Tots Sants Annual Congress kicks off with the aim of positioning the event as a national benchmark in its category

by time news

The III Annual Congress Fira de Tots Sants, starts today, with professionals from different fields and sectors with the aim of professionalizing the event as a national benchmark in its category. During two days, different speakers will bring the key participants closer so that they can apply them in their businesses, as well as in the next edition of the Fira in order to attract more visitors and achieve better commercial, business and tourist objectives.

On this kick-off day, the presentations have been addressed to the official exhibitors who bet on the event each year to offer their products and novelties in order to seek new customer claims at the Fira. Marketing and design have been the main concepts of the two presentations that have been offered in the first part of the morning. Miriam Agulló has given exhibitors keys and resources to improve her marketing plan. For his part, Cristóbal Merino, CEO of Imagina Design, has offered resources to improve the stands at a creative level, as well as to innovate in terms of advertising. This first day has closed with a round table in which representatives of each of the Fira departments have explained the key issues of their organization. Gustavo Baena from the Fira de Cocentaina department; José Luis Reig, Municipal Technical Engineer and Paqui Ruiz, Mayor of Street Cleaning who have transferred the main issues that the municipal council has is taking into account so that the event is increasingly accessible, sustainable, evolves technologically and digitally and continues preserving the traditional nuances.

Eugenia Miguel, councilor of Fira, has indicated that “in this edition, issues such as marketing and communication have been emphasized with the aim of offering key participants applicable to their companies and consequently to the event. In the last edition, issues such as sustainability, energy efficiency and accessibility were worked on, concepts that were already reflected in the last edition in important elements such as lighting that was changed so that it was all low-consumption”. She has pointed out that “in each edition the needs of the different professionals who participate in the event are listened to in order to reflect them in the training program and thus respond to those questions that are of most interest and that can help them the most”.

On the second day, tomorrow Thursday, aimed at organizations and organizing bodies of the Fira de Tots Sants, Juan Puchalt, general secretary of the Association of Spanish Fairs (AFE) and professor at the ESIC Business & Marketing School, will offer three presentations on the creation of a fair project, innovation in management, and finally how to apply the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda in this type of event.

For her part, the mayoress of the municipality, Mireia Estepa, stressed that “it is a real pleasure to meet the exhibitors who each year give life to the Fira and it is a satisfaction to make the event timeless and also offer training and be able to adapt to the needs that move us and that it is not only a commercial, cultural and gastronomic event, but also outside of the big days we can offer exhibitors that training that other events do not offer to the people who are part of and make the Fira great every year”.

This III edition of the Fira de Tots Sants Annual Congress will resume on May 17 with a conference aimed at the educational and university sector in which personal branding and robotics will be discussed, which will close this training cycle aimed at continuing to professionalize this event with more of 677 years of history.

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