The ILO welcomes the new UN resolution on the social and solidarity economy

by time news

2023-04-19 00:00:00


GENEVA (ILO News) – ILO Director General Gilbert F. Houngbo has welcomed the new UN resolution on the promotion of the social and solidarity economy for sustainable development, approved by the United Nations General Assembly United Nations (UNGA).

The social and solidarity economy is characterized by voluntary cooperation and mutual aid, democratic and/or participatory governance, and autonomy and independence. By working in all economic sectors, social and solidarity economy entities emphasize the primacy of people and social purpose over capital in the distribution and use of profits and assets. They include cooperatives, associations, mutuals, foundations, and self-help and voluntary groups.

The resolution, Promote the social and solidarity economy for sustainable developmentwas adopted on April 18, 2023. It recognizes that the social and solidarity economy can contribute to the achievement and localization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

In particular, the UN Resolution emphasizes the contribution of the social and solidarity economy to decent work, the promotion of international labor standards and fundamental rights at work, poverty alleviation and social transformation and inclusion. . In addition, it underlines the role that the social and solidarity economy can play in enhancing business and entrepreneurial potential, strengthening productivity and competitiveness, and facilitating access to finance, markets, and other business development services.

The UN resolution refers to the general discussion held at the 110th International Labor Conference, in June 2022, on decent work and the social and solidarity economy. This high-level session, the first of its kind in the UN system, led to the adoption of a resolution on decent work and the social and solidarity economy by all 187 ILO Member States.

Subsequently, in November 2022, the 346th session of the ILO Governing Body acted in support of the ILC decision by adopting a seven-year strategy and action plan on decent work and the social and solidarity economy (2023-29). .

“The social and solidarity economy is now rightly gaining global recognition for the role it can play in shaping a sustainable, just and resilient future for all of us,” Houngbo said. “The UN resolution shows that this idea is gaining momentum, and we must seize the moment. This is why the ILO is proposing to create a Global Coalition for Social Justice. A broad and healthy social and solidarity economy can play an important role in reducing of inequalities and in the spread of prosperity, opportunity and sustainability.At the same time, it can help create a virtuous circle, bringing greater awareness of the need for social justice, which in turn will foster the systemic changes we need for the social and solidarity economy to flourish”.

The new UN resolution calls on UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to prepare a report on the implementation of the resolution with the help of the UN Working Group on Social and Solidarity Economy. The ILO co-founded the Task Force in 2013 and is currently its vice-chair.

The resolution also includes the inclusion of an item on the promotion of the social and solidarity economy for sustainable development in the provisional agenda of the 79th meeting of the UNGA in 2024.

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