The Impact of Changing Listening Habits on Hearing Loss and Society: A Warning from Researchers

by time news

Title: Increased Use of Headphones Among Youths Raises Concerns of Hearing Loss, Researchers Warn

Subtitle: Changing Listening Habits Linked to Potential Societal Hearing Loss

Date: [Insert Date Here]

Byline: [Insert Author’s Name]

In recent years, the average amount of time spent by youths, aged 15 to 24, listening to recorded sounds has more than doubled, raising concerns about potential hearing loss on a societal level. According to the survey Mediebarometern 2022 from Nordicom and the University of Gothenburg, young people now spend just over two and a half hours a day listening to recorded audio, compared to one hour a day back in 2010.

The correlation between high sound volume and hearing loss is well-established. However, there is still limited knowledge about the long-term effects of exposure to lower volumes on hearing. Nevertheless, studies have indicated a connection between extensive use of headphones and hearing loss.

Hearing researcher Pernilla Videhult Pierre from the Karolinska Institutet expresses concerns about the potential consequences of these changing listening habits. She remarks, “Since it has not been going on for several decades, it is difficult to know how serious this is. But there is great concern that the future generation will hear worse than the current older generation.”

Sweden stands at the forefront of digital consumption patterns, with podcast listening gaining significant popularity since 2010. The combination of mobile phones and music streaming services is primarily responsible for the increased exposure time to audio media among young people. Jonas Ohlsson, media researcher and director at Nordicom, explains, “The possibility of getting all the world’s music for just over a hundred bucks is a hugely advantageous offer for a music consumer. compared to when you had to buy records from all the artists you were interested in.”

The development of listening habits has been rapid, with significant variations observed among different age groups. While the average retiree in 2022 listens to recorded audio for half an hour, the younger generation spends two and a half hours engaged in this activity. Pierre highlights that potential hearing damage may only become noticeable when the young and most dedicated headphone users reach middle age.

To mitigate the risks, Pierre emphasizes the importance of “resting your hearing” and expresses concern about constant headphone usage, recommending limited exposure. She also suggests that using better headphones, equipped with noise reduction features, can offer a measure of protection. By minimizing background noise and reducing the need to increase volume, these headphones allow for safer audio consumption.

Impaired hearing not only affects an individual’s ability to perceive the environment but also has other negative consequences. Pierre asserts that hearing loss significantly impacts people’s well-being, leading to an increase in sickness absence among those affected.

Furthermore, hearing loss has been linked to an increased risk of dementia. Early detection and treatment of hearing problems, as highlighted in a 2020 study published in the medical journal “The Lancet,” serve as the most effective measure to prevent dementia. Although the exact reasons behind this link are not fully understood, one theory suggests that reduced sensory stimulation due to hearing loss negatively impacts brain activity.

While the widespread use of headphones and increased exposure to audio media among youths have their advantages, it is essential to strike a balance to safeguard hearing health. Researchers believe that raising awareness about the potential risks and promoting responsible listening habits can help mitigate the potential societal impact of hearing loss.

Source: Karolinska Institutet

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