The Impact of Climate Change: Devastation and Reflections at Kula Sandalwoods Inn & Cafe

by time news

Devastating Fire in Maui Linked to Climate Change

MAUI, Hawaii – Monica Loui, owner of Kula Sandalwoods Inn & Cafe, recently witnessed the destruction caused by a raging fire that engulfed her family-owned restaurant and inn. She believes that the fire is a direct result of the warming planet.

The fire, which was fueled by dryness and strong winds, left the restaurant and inn in ruins. The storage house made of redwood was reduced to concrete blocks, with furniture charred beyond recognition. Blackened tree carcasses littered the nearby hill, their ashy remains scattered over smoldering soil. The sound of a hovering Fire Department helicopter drowned out any conversation as it dropped water on hot spots.

Ms. Loui stated, “With climate change, the seasons are changing”, explaining that the prolonged dryness and early onset of dry seasons have made fires a greater concern in the area. She added that the lack of rain patterns has decreased the moisture in the air.

While the Kula area was spared from complete devastation, neighboring Lahaina was severely impacted. Dozens of lives were lost and numerous buildings were destroyed. However, the damage in Kula remains significant. Crews are still dealing with flare-ups as the air is choked with the thick smell of smoke. The contrast in the landscape is striking, with burnt-out buildings next to undamaged ones and lush forests gradually giving way to smoky fields of darkness.

Ms. Loui narrated her experience on the day of the fire, saying, “Instead of finding any tree falling, all I saw was smoke.” As the flames grew, she and her family members fought fervently against the fire using hoses, sticks, and shovels. However, as the fire encroached, she realized that losing their property was a distinct possibility.

A Fire Department official arrived and informed Ms. Loui about the devastation in Lahaina, urging her to evacuate immediately. He stressed that despite her efforts, anything could change in an instant. Fearing for her life, Ms. Loui made it to safety in a police squad car, while the officer urged others to evacuate.

Returning after the flames subsided, Ms. Loui found devastation but also some glimmer of hope. The storage building was completely destroyed, while the restaurant sustained some damage but remained intact. The rental cottages were smoky and required significant repairs but were still standing.

Ms. Loui views the fire as a clear indication that climate change is real. Federal scientists have warned that Hawaii faces various risks due to climate change, including increased potential for wildfires, threats to water supply, and coastal erosion.

Reflecting on her experience, Ms. Loui is now reconsidering energy usage at Sandalwoods. She plans to switch away from propane-fueled appliances in the restaurant. Additionally, she believes that societal-level changes, such as reforestation, planting native vegetation, and promoting local food production, are necessary to combat the effects of climate change.

Ms. Loui emphasized the importance of voting for politicians who prioritize climate change policies and encouraged community involvement. She sees these actions as crucial steps towards creating a sustainable future.

As firefighters continue their work nearby, Ms. Loui’s story serves as a reminder of the urgent need to address climate change and its impact on communities.

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