The Impact of Interaction and Everyday Objects on Children’s Brain Development

by time news

2023-06-28 13:17:40

The engaging and repetitive nature of play helps children make the brain connections necessary for learning.

Interaction promotes brain activity

The researchers measured the brain activity of playing children using imaging techniques and also measured brain activity when the children played with parents and other adults.

The interaction between child and adult appeared to stimulate the production of new brain cells in the child and the bond between them and the adults.

Signals such as sounds, smiles and gestures exchanged between child and adult not only develop the child’s brain but also form an emotional bond between the two.

“Both-way communication can start at birth and is a way for parents to bond and be actively involved in their children’s development,” said Felicia Low, a maternal and child health researcher. at the University of Auckland and one of the researchers.

The findings also provide two particularly interesting insights into play.

Pans are as good as expensive toys

Among other things, adults should give children the freedom to explore their environment and let them figure out how to play for themselves.

“Children who are allowed to explore toys freely find more functions and imaginative ways to use them than children who are shown how the toy works,” says Felicia Low.

The research further establishes that expensive toys are not a prerequisite for creative and engaging play. Everyday objects such as blocks, balls, pots and pans, pencils and paper are great for promoting children’s cognitive development.

Here too, the effect is particularly great if play is actively supervised by adults.

The researchers did not look at playing via digital devices such as a tablet, but the researchers mainly point to the effect of analog objects on brain development.

Another 2023 study showed that screen time is detrimental to children’s cognitive development in decision-making, thinking, and creativity.

Based on the new research, New Zealand scientists say it is important that play is more recognized as a crucial part of children’s development, helping to shape their brains and prepare them for the future.

Therefore, schools and nurseries should integrate play into all activities, because play is not only a fun activity, but also fundamental to children’s learning and development.

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