The Impact of Tamil General Candidates in Sri Lanka’s Presidential Election: A Historical Perspective

by time news

2024-03-31 14:53:00

Courtesy: Deepachelvan

As Sri Lanka’s presidential election is about to take place, the talk of a Tamil general candidate is gaining ground in politics.

Who is going to rule Sri Lanka next and how he is going to improve and manage the situation of Sri Lanka is on the one hand, who will get the support of the Tamils ​​is also worth paying attention to here.

It is necessary to examine what kind of position or movement should be presented in the presidential election as those who have suffered the greatest genocide in the past, as Eelam Tamils ​​and as those who have made great sacrifices for the right of the Tamil nation.

Also, at this moment, the past history and the present situation should be explained.

Presidential election in Sri Lanka

At the time of Ceylon’s independence from the British, there was a Prime Ministerial system of government.

Even though the Tamil people of Eelam started thinking about their own nation due to the attitude of the Sinhalese leaders after 1950s, the major movements for a separate country emerged only in the 70s.

Meanwhile, the presidential system was introduced in the seventies. The first Executive President of Sri Lanka, JR. While Jayawardena threw a lot of hatred and hatred towards the Eelam Tamil people, the liberation struggle for a separate country and the rise of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam led the path of the Eelam Tamils ​​in a unique way.

The stand taken by the Eelam Tamil people in the Sri Lankan presidential election is based on their liberation struggle and justice for the genocide.

In this way, the vote of the North East people had a significant impact in defeating Mahinda Rajapaksa, who is considered a Tamil genocidal, in the 2015 presidential election.

Everyone will surely remember Mahinda Rajapaksa’s interview from his hometown that after his defeat in the presidential election, I was defeated by the people living in the Ezha national map.

Principal Chandrika’s face

We have had many experiences since the seventies when the Eelam Tamil people went through many presidential elections.

Every presidential election has had a great impact on the Tamil people of Eelam. When Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga contested the presidential election in the 90s, she received huge support from the Tamil people. He had also made promises to the Tamil people.

However, after becoming president, he began to act as a typical Sinhalese chauvinist president. Chandrika Ammaiyar created great misery in the land of Eelam by suppressing the righteous and virtuous liberation struggle of the Eelam Tamil people and carrying out a war of ethnic cleansing on the Tamil nation.

He faced the fierce war of Ezha soil like displacements, massacres, hunger and famine, which is an unforgettable scar in the history of Ezha. Similarly, in the last presidential election, there was a fierce competition between Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Sajith Premadasa.

In this situation, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, the Tamil genocidal, had used his victory in the war to win the election and had talked a lot that he had won the war by destroying the LTTE.

In this situation, the Tamil people of Eelam had cast their votes against Gotabaya Rajapaksa. North East – Tamil nationalists had given their votes to Sajith Premadasa who contested against Gothapaya.

Although Sajith Premadasa lost that election, the message expressed by the Tamil people by not giving their votes to Gotabaya Rajapaksa is important.

News of the presidential election

In this way, the decisions taken by the Eelam Tamil people in the Sri Lankan presidential election are mostly movements that express the messages of the Tamil nation.

Even in the 2010 presidential election, in the contest between Mahinda Rajapaksa and Sarath Fonseka, the Tamil people voted for Sarath Fonseka when the Tamil parties decided to vote for Sarath Fonseka.

The electoral field was used as a platform to express the voice against Mahinda Rajapaksa, while a party involved in the genocide broke up and thus created a competitive field.

It is a fact that we have seen in the past that the presidents who win the presidential elections are the presidents for the Sinhalese people. It is because of this that the North East Tamil nation is always suppressed. suppressed. Because of this North East thinks as a separate nation.

In the past, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, after winning the presidency, identified himself as the president of the Sinhalese people’s votes. But he was later overthrown by the same people.

Eelam people are using even the presidential election as a protest and a platform to express the message.

Who to support and who to oppose?

Sometimes the decisions we take still hold us back.

Eelam Tamils ​​had given unconditional support to Maithripala Sirisena in the last presidential election in 2015. Maithripala Sirisena, who broke away from the Rajapaksas and ran against him in the presidential election, and then Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, saved the Rajapaksas in the international arena from the crimes of genocide.


இதனால் ஈழத் தமிழ் மக்களின் விவகாரம் பன்னாட்டு அரங்கில் பெரும் பின்னடைவைச் சந்தித்தது. இத்தகைய அனுபவங்களையும் நாம் நினைவில் கொள்வது அவசியமானது.

இம்முறை அதிபர் தேர்தலில் யாரை ஆதரிப்பது, யாரை எதிர்ப்பது? அல்லது அதிபர் தேர்தலை புறக்கணிப்பதா? அல்லது தமிழ் பொதுவேட்பாளர் ஒருவரை களமிறக்குவதா? என்பது போன்ற உரையாடல்கள் துவங்கியுள்ளன.

கடந்த காலத்தில் கசப்புக்கள், ஏமாற்றங்கள், துரோகங்களை சந்திருக்கும் நாம், இம்முறை எத்தகைய முடிவை எடுக்கப் போகிறோம்? இதனால் ஈழத் தமிழ் மக்களின் நீதிக்கும் இறைமைக்கும் விடுதலைக்குமான போராட்டப் பயணத்தில் என்ன நன்மையும் வெற்றியும் விளையப்போகிறது? மாபெரும் இனவழிப்பை தொடர்ந்து எதிர்கொள்ளும் நாம் அதிலிருந்து மீள ஏதேனும் வழி பிறக்குமா? இப்படியான நிறையக் கேள்விகளுடன் இருக்கிறது வடக்கு கிழக்கு தேசம்.

 செய்திகளை உடனுக்குடன் தெரிந்து கொள்ள IBC தமிழ் WHATSAPP இல் இணைந்து கொள்ளுங்கள்…! 

பொறுப்பு துறப்பு!

இக்கட்டுரையானது பொது எழுத்தாளர் Theepachelvan அவரால் எழுதப்பட்டு,
31 March, 2024 அன்று ஐபிசி தமிழ் இணையத்தளத்தில்
வெளியிடப்பட்டது. இக்கட்டுரைக்கும் ஐபிசி தமிழ் தளத்திற்கும் எந்தத் தொடர்பும்

#decision #Eelam #Tamils #Sri #Lankas #presidential #election

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