the implementation of reforms on the front line – Info-Matin

by time news

The Bamako District Town Hall held its very first 2023 ordinary session of the Board of Directors, this Thursday, March 23, under the chairmanship of the District Mayor, Adama SANGARE, no less Chairman of the Board of Directors (PCA) of the said Council; in the presence of the administrators.

The items on the agenda were, among others: the reading and adoption of the minutes of the 4th ordinary session 2022, the examination and adoption of the 2022 administrative account, the presentation of the activity report services 2022 (summary), presentation of the reports of the missions carried out in 2022 and miscellaneous questions.
At the opening of the work, the PCA Adama SANGARE, revealed in his speech that this session opened when the National Transitional Council had adopted bills in the field of administrative reform. According to him, this is Law No. 2023-003 of March 13, 2023 amending Law No. 2017-052 of October 2, 2017 determining the conditions for the free administration of local authorities; law 2023-004 of March 13, 2023 on the local authorities code; and Law No. 2023-005 of March 13, 2023 on the special status of the district of Bamako.
This new statute, according to the mayor Adama SANGARE, is a questioning of the institutional architecture and the practice of the decentralization in progress since the election of the district of Bamako in Territorial collectivity.
Thus, the Chairman of the Board of Directors indicated that this session would be the opportunity to record the reports of the missions carried out during the past year, which would undoubtedly allow, according to him, to emphasize the efforts made to strengthen their formerly existing areas of cooperation with their partners.
In short, Mayor Adama SANGARE also recalled the administrative account which traced the administrative accounting of the authorizing officer. He specified that this administrative account was established in accordance with the structure of the budget.
Regarding the activities of the 2022 services, Mayor Adama SANGARE said that last year was marked by enormous economic upheavals which had shaken the world in particular, the embargo of ECOWAS and UEMOA, the war in Ukraine which had led to increases in the price of basic necessities. However, the services of the town hall had been able to carry out important activities, despite the unfavorable context. The synthesis of the activity reports would make it possible to evaluate the performance of its administration, maintained the Chairman of the Board of Directors.
However, the PCA reported that many efforts undertaken had made it possible to relieve the coffers of the town hall from the effects of these economic fluctuations. He testified that the revenue had been realized to the tune of 48 billion 312 million 244 thousand, or 62.90%. Thus, the Present of the session declared that the expenses were executed in the amount of 48 billion 105 million 509 thousand, or 62.63%.
Referring to the year 2023, Mayor Adama SANGARE indicated that this year would be marked by electoral deadlines (referendum, legislative and regional elections). According to him, this vast project of reforms must be carried out with lucidity and professionalism.


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