The Importance of Gut Microbial Testing for Overall Health and Wellness

by time news

2023-06-27 11:04:00

Health27 June 2023 16:042023-06-27

In general, 90% of the human body is made up of microbial cells if the bacteria in the gut are out of balance. It can increase the risk of many health problems such as a weakened immune system, allergies, food allergies, certain types of cancer, constipation, hormonal imbalances, aging, and high blood lipids. important It will help to know the cause of chronic health problems and also help to monitor the balance of microbes as well.

Dr. Atiya Rungjang, Director of BDMS Wellness Retreat Samui, said that every disease starts in the intestines. Intestinal care is becoming increasingly important nowadays. If our gut is out of balance or if there are some microorganisms that are out of balance. May be the beginning of various diseases as well, which is a matter of eating a balanced diet is very important. Examination of the microbiome in the gut (Gut Microbiome) will provide more answers that Why take good care of yourself? but still face health problems The examination of microorganisms is divided into 3 forms: general microorganisms That may have a good effect or may have a bad effect on the body depending on the balance. Bad microorganisms that cause disease are microorganisms that, if there are too many, can cause various diseases such as diarrhea, loose stools, etc., and good microorganisms or probiotics (Probiotics) that produce substances beneficial to the body in the intestinal system. or other organs if stressed Overuse the body eating disorders The good groups of probiotics tend to be attacked first and can be out of balance. The important care of probiotics is to choose foods such as foods that contain fiber. Unsweetened fruits and vegetables If it is a fruit, it may be a group that has a lot of dietary fiber such as guava, green mango, or food to nourish probiotics such as kimchi, natto, kombucha tea, etc. The only limitation in Thai food will have these. Little is the reason why Thai people may easily encounter problems with lack of probiotics. Because we don’t have many of these foods in our meals.

Microbial testing is to check the balance between good and bad microorganisms in the body. Because microbes live in the intestines most Makes the stool test get the most accurate results as well By way of storing that is not complicated. can be done at home This involves collecting a stool sample and sending it to a laboratory for testing. By examining the health of the intestines, it will help to plan for their own health care system-wide. because flatulence chronic diarrhea Poor metabolic system or allergy problems that must be encountered It may be caused by an imbalance of intestinal microflora. The doctor’s examination will help assess search for risks Or diagnose the cause that may be caused by an imbalance of intestinal microflora. Including various abnormal symptoms in the body to reduce the risk of various diseases in the future as well

Persons who should undergo microbial testing are: People who have problems with insomnia and problems with migraine People with digestive system problems, food allergies and irritable bowel syndrome, such as flatulence, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation. People with dermatitis, acne or atopic rashes intermittently. People who are at risk of anxiety, depression and inflammatory diseases. Lzheimer’s People with asthma, asthma, those with congenital disease, high blood pressure type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease People with poor metabolic system and have a habit of eating red meat, processed food, or people who are overweight or obese

For taking probiotics to balance the microflora in the gut. Should be taken for at least 3 months. After the specified period, can be re-examined to see if there are any microorganisms that are still missing or whether they have started to return to balance or not. Ideally, the probiotic food group is a food that you can eat throughout the day. If the balance is better, then you can eat a group of foods that contain fiber or prebiotics to help maintain the balance because good intestinal function will help the absorption of various nutrients to work at full efficiency.

In addition, having a good digestive balance will make exercise better. Including relaxation from stress, Gut Brain Axis, which is the link between the brain and the intestines, so if our intestines are good, the brain’s nerve signals will also be good, known as good health from the inside out.

BDMS Wellness Clinic is ready to provide gut microbiome examination services by expert doctors. Including giving advice on how to practice oneself for lifestyle adjustments to suit each individual Because each person’s body is different. Which examining the intestinal microflora will help the doctor to plan a health care plan with us, and most importantly, it should be done in conjunction with lifestyle adjustments for better health.

BDMS Wellness Clinic is committed to developing and researching health issues. to give as a gift of health to all Thai people because of good health is the best gift Live longer, Healthier and Happier

For more information, please contact BDMS Wellness Clinic.

Line @bdmswellnessclinic or website

Source: Mascot Communications

#Good #health #starting #intestinal #tract #ThaiPR.NET

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