The importance of reading in early childhood education – Articles

by time news

2023-06-28 14:30:00

A recent activity at the school where I work as a kindergarten teacher with 4 and 5 year olds made me think a little more about the importance of reading in this, which is the first stage of basic education in Brazil. Paying attention to this point makes us, in fact, rethink other aspects related to this subject, which is so crucial for the formation of full citizens, aware of rights and duties and critical of the past and present realities of the country.

We carried out a reading project at our school with all the students we have, at which time we were able, together with the other teachers of our school unit, to work with various genres and literary styles. One of the objectives of this action was to sharpen in the little ones a taste for books, works, authors, tales, stories and everything else related to the practice of reading. It was fantastic all the involvement of students, professionals in the unit and also the families invited to participate in the actions of the referred project.

A specific reflection arises in actions similar to the one mentioned above. The importance given to reading in Brazil, for some time now, has a direct connection with the neglect on the part of the countless authors who should, strictly, fulfill the role that is assigned to them in this regard.

However, I see that just focusing on the negative points or even repeating analyzes regarding facts and mistakes from the past or even the present will bring little practical and concrete results, when the subject is the search for changes for the nation and for education in itself, situations to be realized with the reality of a reading nation.

It is good to highlight the inclusion of the school in this process. In this important training space, reading must find opportunities to become attractive and full of meanings for children. Throughout Brazil, educators have been working hard to overcome what was negative in the past. Thus, initiatives in all corners of the country have emerged and encouraged other educators so that the search for the love of reading becomes a reality in more school spaces and homes.

When we think of national basic education, in any age group we work with, we can obtain excellent results, when guided by the importance that must be given to reading. However, in the writing of this material, I focus, even if in a summarized way, on the practice of reading already starting in the classroom in early childhood education.

Important is the beginning of the taste for reading among this public, after all, through this practice enormous gains are added to the students’ learning of interpretation, through intense and continuous practice of reading. The experiences lived by teachers in early childhood education related to reading corroborate what we have read and learned about this important action in the search for new lovers of the act of reading.

When eyes turn to answers to the questions that arise about how Brazil can improve in the social, economic and security areas, undeniably, one thinks about the execution of a quality education. In this regard, we return to the focus on which this education begins in early childhood education, through serious literacy and extreme dedication to programs, projects and activities aimed at reading.

Here, it is worth highlighting again the reality of the involvement of various actors in this important process. It is governments, through public policies, schools with specific actions carried out by all their professionals and the involvement of families in this act, a set that emerges as a facilitating agent for a greater appreciation for reading among children.

Looking at the documents that guide the exercise of education in Brazil, early childhood education is the first stage of basic education, with the purpose of the integral development of children up to the age of five, in the physical, psychological, intellectual and social aspects, thus complementing the action of the family and the community.

In this way, when embraced with great attention in early childhood education, the set of actions linked to reading brings about productions on the part of students. It is noted in this the accompaniment of a critical reading by these students, even though their initial steps are still immature, under construction and inherent to their young age.

Thinking about the current situation and the characteristics of a digital age such as today, the importance given to reading permeates traditional environments, linked to closed spaces, expanding this reach to countless other places, such as students’ homes, the streets , the squares, the means of transport to be used by the students.

Looking at the reality of the moment, reading has been made possible in almost all places, which, many times, in the past, were unimaginable as environments for such a healthy practice. And the experiences mentioned here have a unique springboard within early childhood education.

There is one more point to be highlighted. The incentive that has been given to families to rescue the habit of storytelling is something very positive to be considered. It is the action by which children are encouraged to read. What used to be characterized by the absence of a healthy habit has given way in many homes to an investment of time and interest in doing so.

The task of provoking children’s imagination and rescuing such unique moments of family life, little by little, has been captivated by many families nowadays, and this task is no longer exclusively in the hands of the school. It is an advance that is so welcome today in our experiences as educators with our students’ families.

When we talk about early childhood education, emphasis should also be placed on facilitating an environment geared towards literacy, as the name itself says, an atmosphere conditioned by numbers, texts, phrases and words and not just by letters placed unintentionally at the disposal of children. In every part of the day to day of the little ones all this must be present. Every opportunity cannot be wasted in this regard.

A lot of attention needs to be directed to the practice of reading already in early childhood education, in order that from these early moments of life, full citizenship will already be glimpsed in the little ones, even though this is still very embryonic. It should be noted here that any incentive to actions related to reading, in the case of children’s education students, can no longer be restricted to the school environment. A partnership that also involves the family and society is necessary.

In kindergarten, the so-called cultural exchanges are encouraged, through which students learn through numerous information arising from the most varied actions. These are the moments in which spaces, activities and events related to reading and writing are offered to children. Situations, for example, recreational and everyday situations, are not only experienced in the school environment, they also extend to family contexts.

Writing down the title of a TV program, writing the names of an aunt or cousin, helping with the list of purchases to be made, for example, in addition to being natural, something of everyday life and, at first, coated with a ridiculous value, they become excellent driving vehicles in the incentive that every child should have in their teaching and learning process linked to reading, and this not only on the school floor.

The look at the horizon related to the future that awaits us still brings enormous challenges. A lot of perseverance is needed so that current actions are not lost in the next steps that will be taken. If we have so far reaped the results in our efforts to make reading something pleasurable, let’s imagine what can be achieved in the medium and long term. Therefore, all dedication related to the importance we have given to reading in early childhood education will result in very special gains.

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