The Importance of Vitamins in Winter: Which Ones to Take and Why

by time news

2023-12-06 03:11:16
Vitamins and the Cold Season: What You Need to Know

In the winter, the cold season starts, and our immune systems work at full speed. It’s important to ensure that our bodies are getting the vital nutrients they need to stay healthy and strong, especially during the colder months. With four fat-soluble and nine water-soluble vitamins, it can be challenging to know which ones are particularly important during the winter season.

Vitamin D is known as the “sunshine vitamin” and is typically produced by the body through exposure to UV rays. However, in the winter, especially in countries with less intense sunlight, it can be difficult to get enough of this essential vitamin. Spending a certain amount of time outside each day based on skin type may not always be feasible. According to the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health, the time of year and day plays a major role in how much vitamin D our bodies can produce from the sun. For those who struggle to get enough vitamin D through sunlight, dietary supplements may be useful.

As for vitamin C, there are differing opinions on how it affects the body in winter. Some studies have shown that long-term intake of vitamin C can help reduce the duration of colds, while others question the significance of its impact. Vitamin C can easily be found in various foods, such as peppers or broccoli, and is essential for supporting the immune and nervous systems.

In addition to vitamin D and C, vitamins A and E are also important in the winter season. Both are fat-soluble and can be stored in the body, with vitamin A being essential for the visual process and vitamin E protecting cells from oxidative stress. An observational study from 2020 found that individuals with good intakes of vitamin A and E were less likely to suffer from respiratory diseases, making it particularly important to ensure that daily requirements for these vitamins are met through diet.

It’s important to note that children also need these essential vitamins in the winter, albeit in smaller doses. Parents should ensure that their children are getting enough B vitamins, as well as vitamin D for bone growth.

Finally, for those experiencing tiredness in winter, certain vitamins have been proven to help reduce fatigue. With the body producing more melatonin, also known as the sleep hormone, in the winter, it’s not uncommon to feel more tired than usual.

In general, it’s essential to provide the body with the necessary vitamins and nutrients it needs to stay healthy and strong during the colder months. Whether through diet or supplements, paying attention to our vitamin intake can help support our immune systems and overall well-being in the winter and beyond.]
#vitamins #body #winter

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