The important educator, the late Grammal Shapira, passed away

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But in Jerusalem and in the Carlin Stolin Chassidut with the news this morning (Friday) of the sudden death of the Chassidic Gaon Rabbi Meir Leib Shapira ztl.

The late deceased was born to his father, the late Rabbi Shimon Seidel Shapira, and during his life he lived for many years on Tzafania Street in Jerusalem. For decades he was privileged to educate thousands of students in the school of independent education, where his name preceded him.

Among the family, Kikar Hashabbat tells that the late Rabbi Meir Leib was a man who was full of Torah and Chassidut, who would study constantly and continuously in the Beit Midrash, a true Chassid who was attached to his rabbis, a family man and a beloved grandfather who lit up everyone’s face until his last day.

Last Shabbat, the deceased was privileged to strike together with the thousands of Hasidim in the Beit Midrash Dachsidi Karlin in Givat Zeev on the occasion of Shabbat Chanukah.

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For the past few months he has been living in the house of one of his sons in the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem, and this morning he suddenly collapsed, returning his soul to its creator to the chagrin of the many family members and acquaintances.

At his death he left behind his family, a blessed righteous generation, sons and daughters, grandchildren and descendants who walk the path of Torah and Hasidism.

His funeral will take place today – Arashak Parashat Vayigash at 12:40 from Etrog Street in Givat Zeev, through the plaza of the Karlin Stolin seminary on Avinoam Yellin Street in Jerusalem, to Mount of Beatitudes where he will be buried.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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