The Increasing Risk of Outbreaks and Urgent Humanitarian Crisis after Floods in Libya

by time news

Title: Libya Braces for Second Humanitarian Crisis as Floods Trigger Fear of Infectious Diseases

Date: September 16, 2023

In Libya, the aftermath of the devastating floods caused by storm “Daniel” continues to unfold, leaving behind a trail of destruction, loss of lives, and increasing concerns over the outbreak of dangerous diseases originating from contaminated water. The city of Darna, which bore the brunt of the floods, is now facing the grim prospect of grappling with a second humanitarian crisis.

The floods submerged the port city, sweeping away entire houses and causing thousands of casualties. While the exact number of victims is still unknown, authorities estimate the death toll to exceed 11,000 people. Alongside the rising fear of severe infectious diseases, aid organizations are grappling with significant challenges in providing assistance to the elderly and critically ill amid the devastation.

The Islamic Aid Organization has labeled the current situation as a “second humanitarian crisis” and highlighted the growing risks of water-borne diseases along with shortages of food, shelter, and medicine. Salah Abulgasem, deputy director of partner development at the organization, expressed concern over the lack of basic necessities for thousands of displaced individuals, emphasizing the potential rapid spread of diseases in water-contaminated environments. He added, “The city stinks of death. Almost everyone has lost someone they know.”

Medical organization “Doctors Without Borders” has deployed teams to the eastern part of the country to assess the water and sanitation situation. Manuel Carton, the medical coordinator, stated that the organization is prepared to tackle water-borne infectious diseases. Despite the chaotic circumstances, aid coordination efforts are intensifying to provide vital relief.

Hisham Shekiwat, the minister of civil aviation affairs of the government in eastern Libya, described the extent of the destruction, saying, “I am not exaggerating when I say that 25% of the city of Darna has disappeared. The sea is throwing up bodies non-stop, dozens of bodies all the time.” This staggering damage has overwhelmed the region, necessitating urgent international assistance as emphasized by Muhammad al-Manfi, the Chairman of Libya’s Presidential Council.

The storm “Daniel,” which also impacted Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, and Israel, caused unprecedented floods and led to the collapse of two dams in Darna. As a result, the situation has deteriorated rapidly. Osama Ali, spokesman for the Libyan rescue and emergency mechanism, stated that the death toll has reached thousands in Derna, with nearby villages also suffering significant devastation.

During these challenging times, efforts to locate missing individuals continue, although hopes of finding additional survivors are gradually fading. The priority now lies in both rescue and medical teams combating the risk of disease outbreaks while coordinating relief efforts to provide immediate aid to the affected population.

The disastrous consequences of storm “Daniel” have placed Libya in a state of urgent need. International assistance is paramount to support the relief and rehabilitation efforts necessary to alleviate the suffering caused by this natural catastrophe.

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