The Inestimable Beauty of Generous Souls in “Those Like Me” by Alda Merini. Review by Alessandria today

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We receive the following comment and publish: by Angela Maria MalataccaEugenia Di Bella claims authorship of this poem. Therefore, not being traceable in any book by Alda Merini nor among the texts dictated to friends by the poet herself, should the wording “attributed to Alda Merini” be applied when cited. The text was set to music by Giovanni Nuti and performed vocally by Monica Guerritore, but until there is proof that the verses were actually written by Alda Merini, one cannot speak of a work belonging to her. The same goes for the poem “E poi fate l’amore”, often and willingly attributed to the poetess, but which is actually a passage taken from a book by Azzurra D’Aniello. Alexandria today

The poem “Those like me” “attributed to Alda Merini” ??? is an ode to the generous and selfless souls who embrace life with open hearts and wide smiles, despite the challenges they may encounter along the way. The author captures the complexity of such souls, celebrating their unique nature and the incredible beauty they bring to the world.

Photo by Giuliano Grittini at it.wikipedia

The Inestimable Beauty of Generous Souls in “Those Like Me” “attributed to Alda Merini”???

The author begins her poem by acknowledging the precious gift of souls like hers, souls that give dreams even at the cost of being left without them. These are the souls who give without expecting anything in return, who reach out to help others get up, even if they risk falling themselves. This image of altruism and compassion resonates deeply with the reader, inviting them to reflect on their own capacity to share love and kindness.

The author emphasizes the importance of finding meaning in life and sharing this wisdom with those who are simply surviving. This act of teaching and sharing is a noble action, a testament to the generosity of spirit of people like her.

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The author also speaks of the eternal love that these souls are capable of offering, despite disappointments and the risk of getting hurt. The author’s words capture the desire to be loved for who they are, authentic and genuine, rather than for the expectations of others.

The poem ends with a profound reflection on the reality of souls like the author, souls that might go unnoticed but are the only ones capable of truly loving. These are the souls who, in the autumn of the lives of others, will be regretted for all that they could have offered but was not accepted.

“Those Like Me” is a hymn to love, altruism and generosity. The author’s poem reminds us to appreciate and honor the kind and altruistic souls we encounter in life, because they are the ones who illuminate the world with their light and their unique beauty. It is an ode to the profound humanity that resides in souls who give without reserve.

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Those like me, “attributed to Alda Merini”
People like me give dreams, even at the cost of being deprived of them.
People like me give their soul,
because a soul alone is like a drop of water in the desert.
People like me reach out and help you get back up,
even at the risk of falling themselves.
People like me look forward,
even if the heart always remains a few steps behind.
People like me look for a meaning to existence and, when they find it,
they try to teach it to those who are just surviving.
People like me, when they love, love forever.
and when they stop loving it’s only because
small fragments of being lie helpless in the hands of life.
People like me are chasing a dream
that of being loved for who they are
and not for what one would like them to be.
People like me travel the world in search of those values ​​that, by now,
they have fallen into the oblivion of the soul.
People like me would like to change,
but doing so would mean being born again.
Those like me scream in silence,
so that their voice is not confused with tears.
Those like me are the ones whose hearts you always manage to break,
because you know they will let you go, without asking you anything.
People like me love too much, even knowing that, in return,
they will receive nothing but crumbs.
Those like me feed on that little bit and on it,
unfortunately, they found their existence.
People like me go unnoticed,
but they are the only ones who will truly love you.
Those like me are those who, in the autumn of your life,
you will regret everything they could have given you
and that you didn’t want…

“It seems that the text was set to music by Giovanni Nuti and performed vocally by Monica Guerritore” ???

“It seems that the same is true for the poem “E poi fate l’amore”, often and willingly attributed to the poetess, but which is actually a passage taken from a book by Azzurra D’Aniello” ???

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