The injustices of justice “compass” of the CNRD transition 2024-04-11 18:21:08

by time news

Meanwhile, those against whom the same illogical and disparate measures had been pronounced continue to languish in detention and others assigned to their homes for more than 2 years. Nobody asks how they live? How do they take care of themselves? How do they pay for their children’s schooling while their assets remain confiscated without trial or procedure?

Should we continue to blindly believe that justice is the compass of transition in the face of such realities? Can we talk about equality between all citizens before the law? The popular and wacky refrain called “refoundation and rectification” ultimately served what purpose exactly? Where are the values ​​of the transition that were sold to us in the current charter or provisional constitution? When will they become conscious and come back to their senses?

You have to know how to keep reason. To the Mandingo, wisdom teaches that there is only the country of indulgence, pity, truth and justice, which is built and developed. Hatred and malice have always consumed and never built a country.

The religions that bring us together, even if they were not true, but their words make order and law reign. In their absence, no morality or rule of submission to authority and the law would exist, let alone succeed in imposing itself. And since we believe in these religions, let us think about what they teach us and what they promise.

Death is an obvious fact that will impose itself. The justice of God will be expressed. Everyone will account for what they have done. The injustices caused will be repaired. The buildings built on sin will one day collapse on the heads of the heirs. Everyone will reap what they have sown or what was sown by their parents for good and evil. The examples are numerous and always close to us. The night brings advice, they say.

*Mamoudou Babila KEITA, citizen in meditation.*

2024-04-11 18:21:08

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