the innovative initiative of the Ciudad de Jerez school that surprises everyone

by time news

The mayor, Mamen Sánchez, together with the first deputy mayor, Laura Álvarez, and the delegate for Economic Reactivation, Education and Employment, Juan Antonio Cabello, congratulated the management team of the CEIP ‘Ciudad de Jerez’ located in Pago San José for the creation of the ‘Emotional Coexistence Classroom’, a pioneering project of the centre.

The director of the educational center, Isabel Reina, together with the head of studies, Juan Esteban, has announced the ‘Emotional Coexistence Classroom’ to the mayor, explaining its objectives and methodology of ‘Emotional Intelligence’ with the students.

“’Ciudad de Jerez’ transmits a lot of positive things, we agree with the management team. We start with the children’s area, and now in the renewed colored tracks. We have also done interior painting work and different infrastructure arrangements”, the mayor stressed.

In this sense, Mamen Sánchez has affirmed that “we have been moved by the Emotional Coexistence Classroom, and how through the pedagogy of feelings children who are having a hard time at some point can be helped. Public schools are innovating, and working hard in this aspect so that our boys and girls are the best possible in the school environment”.

Isabel Reina, director of the CEIP ‘Ciudad de Jerez’, explained that “four years ago we realized that boys and girls suffered a lot due to some circumstance, they had disruptive behavior due to those bad times, the death of a family member, a divorce … And for this reason we created the classroom with a specialist in emotions”.

“I don’t know of any center that carries out this line of work. It came from us, it is an educational innovation program, we do not know anyone who is running it. Two years ago the Faculty of Education in Madrid became aware of this program and they contacted us. It came from the heart of the ‘Ciudad de Jerez’. We are also excited for the school year to return without so many restrictions. We are delighted with the interior of the building, with the courtyard, every time we go to the Town Hall they have treated us perfectly”, said the director of the aforementioned educational center.

The Education delegate, Juan Antonio Cabello, added that the CEIP Ciudad de Jerez was one of the centers in which the Afternoon Opening Plan was established last year, thanking the management team for their involvement and inviting them to participate in the same in this next and imminent school year that begins next week.

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