the insults that enter through those that leave

by time news

2023-12-19 19:22:10

From control session to control session, the Senate is on its way to being a refuge for the PP’s outbursts. Sponsored by their absolute majority, protected by iron control of the Chamber Board, the right-wing senators sharpen their tongues against the Government. But not only. Also against judges or journalists, with the consent of the president, Pedro Rollán. And when one of the insults reaches the headlines and trips up, the leaders’ strategy is rectified. Because there is always another ready to replace.

Judge García Castellón against the “enemies” of Spain

Last week, PP senator José Antonio Monago pointed out names and surnames from the rostrum of one of the judges of the National Court who judged his own party in the so-called ‘Gürtel case’. The sentence, which condemned the PP, served as leverage for the motion of censure that removed Mariano Rajoy from Moncloa. His place was taken by Pedro Sánchez. And until today.

In recent years, the PP has openly criticized the magistrate, José Ricardo de Prada, whom they have accused of being the author of one of the key paragraphs in the sentence. The document was signed by two other judges, but the PP has pointed to De Prada since 2018 to the point of vetoing it for the General Council of the Judiciary.

But now criticism of judges has become anathema due to complaints about ‘lawfare’, the political war from the courts, launched by the Catalan independence movement and Podemos. The PP has taken up the banner of defending judicial independence. And he has become a guarantor of the good name of the judges. Criticism of the courts is prohibited in the new Genoa doctrine.

The PP thus came out in an uproar when the parliamentary spokesperson for Junts, Miriam Nogueras, summoned some judges, civil guards and even journalists from the Congress rostrum, whom she accused of exercising that ‘lawfare’ that the independentists want to implement. a parliamentary investigation. That same day, the PP demanded through its spokesperson, Miguel Tellado, that the president of Congress remove Nogueras’ words from the Diary of Sessions. Francina Armengol did not do it.

But just a few hours later, on Wednesday, a PP senator did something similar: “You brought about the biggest lawfare case because a judge, Judge De Prada, introduced a paragraph in the Gürtel ruling that caused the fall of the Rajoy Government and that finally, that phrase in question was removed by the Supreme Court from that order.”

The president of the Senate did not ask for a rectification and only a week later, when the PP saw how the Extremaduran senator’s words short-circuited its strategy, Monago himself apologized and demanded that the words he uttered from the Session Diary be removed.

But the PP barely needed a few minutes to launch a new barrage of insults against the Government. But not only. Also against those who have been appointed by the Executive to certain positions in the administration.

It was this Tuesday, during a new Government control session. Senator Vicente Azpitarte questioned the fourth vice president and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, about the appointment of the journalist and former Secretary of State for Communication, Miguel Ángel Oliver, as president of the Efe Agency, whom he has also criticized almost at the same time to begin exercising their functions.

“You and the group of vice presidents of the Government are mere groups of the worst president in the history of democracy,” the senator blurted out at the end of his turn. The socialist group has demanded that the president of the Senate remove these words from the Journal of Sessions. Without success as of this writing. Nor has the senator made any attempt to rectify himself.

Montero snapped in his reply: “Are you a Feijóo groupie or is it because we are women?” The question has remained unanswered.

#insults #enter #leave

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