by time news

2024-06-23 05:55:44

San José, Costa Rica, June 19, 2024. – From June 5 to June 7, 2024, the course “Introduction to the System and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: right to equality and non-discrimination” was held in Brasilia, Brazil, organized by the Inter-American Court -American, through her. Human Rights Training Center, and the National School for the Training and Improvement of Brazilian Magistrates (ENFAM), and intended for judges and members of other justice institutions in Brazil.

The Vice-President of the Inter-American Court, Judge Rodrigo Mudrovitsch, opened the activity, and he emphasized the central role played by national judges in the implementation of traditionality control. He emphasized the privileged position of internal judges in applying the standards developed by the Inter-American Court to solve the problems that come before them. The Secretary General of ENFAM and a federal judge, Rodrigo Gonçalves de Souza, also participated in the opening of the event, and referred to the importance of the participation of justice administration officials in these training spaces that allow deepening the knowledge of jurisprudence and update. the development of the Inter-American Court on multiple human rights issues and its implementation at the national level.

The course was taught by Rita Lamy Freund and Celeste Novelli, both lawyers at the Secretariat of the Inter-American Court; Adriana Ramos de Mello and Ana Claudia Mendes de Figuereido, ENFAM teachers; and André Corrêa de Andrade, UNESCO consultant. About 40 state and federal judges from different cases, as well as jurisdictions in Brazil, participated. During the course, the latest jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court was addressed regarding the rights of women, persons with disabilities, access to justice, freedom of thought and opinion, and the application of the class-based convention rule. case studies and role simulation.


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